Despite doing absolutely nothing of interest, the weekend flew by. The garage door still hasn’t been delivered to the company that puts garage packages together. This translates to no door for us to install over the weekend. Drew puttered around installing switches, plugs, and all other electrical sundries that a garage might need. I did my best to study – although I’m the last one who can claim to have stayed focused this weekend.
R, our neighbour, took some awesome black and white photos of the demolition phase of our garage build and I’ve got concrete finishing and building pics to add. I know, I’ve been promising them for weeks. Since I’m writing exams this week and will likely need a break or twelve in my study periods, I’ll likely get those photos up soon.
We are apparently throwing a potluck backyard BBQ on Friday. We supply the meat; everyone else brings something yummy to share. Drew has promised to complete many more manual labour activities as my birthday present – gets him out of having to shop and guarantees I’ll be happy with the results (if the promised work actually materializes). Since his promotion he’s changed crews and no longer holds a day job. He’s back on working shift work and is on nights this week (except for Friday, then he’s on a dayshift). This theoretically means that he’s home during the day to finish digging out the hedge, clean up the backyard so we can find the deck again, make my home sparkle, etc.
It’s 11am and he’s just crawling out of bed. I’ve been up for hours and have been practicing not being an annoying wife. I’m letting him sleep in and all that jazz.
I have a feeling my backyard will still look like a tornado went through it when the BBQ is scheduled to go off. I don’t suppose I can call off the whole thing on a moment’s notice if Drew doesn’t come through with his “present”? Perhaps the BBQ will go off and I’ll just go for a drive out to the mountains while Drew entertains. Groups of people are draining.
We’ll figure something out. For now, I’m doing my best not to nag. Terribly hard thing to do. Instead, I’m studying. Can you tell. See, this is me soaking in masses of knowledge to spew out on paper in 3 hour doses on Wednesday and Friday. *poof*