follage and mulch

Scribbled down on September 15th, 2006 by she
Posted in Save Us From Evil

Despite all the complaining I do about the town I grew up in, you can’t fault it’s beauty. The leaves are changing colour and I’m surrounded by seas of yellow, gold, red, brown and green.

It’s another Red Friday. I can’t wait until I get to see the hubby and have my new Red Friday t-shirt. I can finally stop wearing my mother’s clothes on Fridays!

There’s so much going on in the news today – Carolyn Bennett dropping out of the Liberal leadership campaign (surprise, surprise – NOT!). I ought to be ashamed to say that I really didn’t have a clue who she was before she announced her intentions to run, she didn’t make any sort of impact over the past few months, and I’m not the least bit surprised by her departure. Perhaps she should have considered raising her public profile outside of Toronto before attempting to gain the leadership of a national party.

Then again what does it say about your abilities to raise your profile when I know more about a former ex-pat running for the position (Ignatieff) than I do about Ms. Bennett. Perhaps I should be mortified that I know little to nothing about neither Ms. Bennett nor Martha Hall-Findlay – the only other female candidate. In fact, I couldn’t pick their names, faces, political histories, or ridings out of any wet paper bags. The male candidates are all familiar to me – at minimum I know their names, a bit about their doings (or lack thereof) in parliament, and have some idea of the platforms they’re campaiging on.

I have no idea if this is the result of a media bias against the female candidates or if they just did absolutely nothing to place themselves in my line of vision over the last few months…either way, I will have forgotten Ms. Bennett’s name in a few weeks and this disturbs me not at all.

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