
Scribbled down on December 5th, 2008 by she
Posted in Those Who Volunteered

I’m feeling very blessed this week thanks to some awesome friends and co-workers.

Drew is heading over there in a few short weeks and, if his tour to Afghanistan is anything like his time in Bosnia, he’ll be getting mail and packages from friends and family on a pretty regular basis while he is away.  Not everyone is as fortunate.  For a number of different reasons sometimes the soldiers we send to fight our battles don’t have anyone at home willing or able to send them mail while they’re away.  Some were from small families who’s grandparents and parents have long since passed away.  Others are young, single, just starting out in life, and all their friends in the world are also in the group heading overseas with them. Still others are older, divorced or never married.  There’s a myriad of reasons why people might not be receiving mail and in all honesty, I can only speculate on the situation.

My hubby had other plans.  Now that he’s a bona fide leader (he’s got a certificate and all), he’s decided that it’s important that everyone working with him receives at least one present or letter from home while they’re away.

Lucky for me “home” can be anywhere in Canada.  I’ve got angels and elves stashed all over the country who’ve offered to help. From NB to ON to MB to AB. From students to retirees. Amazing, awesome, and generous people. Civy’s all.

Taking care of others is a military tradition. Single guys are invited to spend the holidays with locals if they’re unable to make it back to where ever “home” might be.  We traditionally had 2-4 single guys crashed out on our couches over Thanksgiving or Christmas seasons.

I’m so thrilled to see civilians rushing forward in droves to join in and adopt a soldier for a few months. It warms the heart.  Thank you all.

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One Response to “generosity”

  1. And how long is your list? I know of others who would most likely participate.

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