I need another weekend

Scribbled down on January 11th, 2009 by she
Posted in Learning & Education, Random Burbling

To recover from this one!

Yesterday evening I spent a huge chunk of time working through the first units of my Experimental Design and Statistics in the Social Sciences (Stats) courses. Today I need to finish those off and finish reading the articles for my Military Psychology class.  What fun names Psychology courses have.  Yeah.  I’m reaching for a bright side.  Cut me some slack.

The course instructor for my Stats class appears to be pretty responsive.  When my course pack arrived, there was a notice inside indicating that I’d need a calculator.  No other mention of it anywhere in the course calendar or manuals. I sent him an email last night asking if there was a particular model of calculator or specific functions I need to have access to in order to complete the course activities and he had a response for me this afternoon.  Considering it’s a Sunday that’s not a bad turn around time at all.  I wasn’t even expecting him to see the email I’d sent until tomorrow.

Turns out I don’t need anything fancy in the calculator department.  I can tell you that that’s a huge relief considering some of the graphing calculators on the market can cost hundreds of dollars and seem far outside of the budget range at the moment.  Getting the news that a basic 10$ calculator with square  rooting functions will do was welcome. A quick search of my office turned up a little solar powered Casio calculator that meets the requirements. Since I don’t recall ever seeing this before I’m going to assume it’s Drew’s.  It seems to me that he had one for his Management courses when he completed his diploma program a few years back. Which reminds me, I wonder what he did with his diploma?

This morning I had full intentions to do chores around the house and then go grocery shopping before I dove back into my school work.  Then I looked outside the window.  A mini-blizzard was taking place so I decided that I didn’t need milk all that badly and had enough food in the fridge and freezer to survive a few more days before heading out for groceries.  I certainly won’t starve in the meantime.  I’ll just need to use canned or frozen veggies instead of fresh ones if I decide to cook again. If I don’t want to cook there’s lots of types of soup to choose from.

I did get the chores on my list completed.  The cupboards were cleaned out and re-organized. Dishes and laundry are done. Garbage is gathered and out (so the dogs don’t get into it).  I’m actually pretty impressed with what I managed to accomplish considering how icky I feel.

Next up – soaking in the jacuzzi. I figured I’ve earned it and my hot water tank is certainly large enough to handle it so soon after dishes.

Then I’ll get back to studying.  That should take me through until the evening when I hope, thanks to some newly acquired melatonin, I’ll get a full night’s sleep.

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2 Responses to “I need another weekend”

  1. If you find you need anything fancier, we had to drop the $150 on the graphing calculator this fall and child is writing his final next week sometime. You can borrow it if you need it. He won’t need it again until next year.

  2. Thanks for the offer. If I need a spiffier calculator I’ll know who to call.

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