Taking procrastination to the next level

Scribbled down on February 14th, 2009 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I’ve caught up on my readings for my Mil Psych course but am still behind in my Experimental Psych and Stats classes. There’s two more days in this long weekend so I hope to make a bit of a dent in them tomorrow.

While I was busy not studying I managed to get some house work done. I think that previous sentence may cause Drew to have a heart attack. Floors are swept (I’ll tackle mopping tomorrow), cat litter is changed, groceries are put away. Laundry is almost complete. Sorting out the bathrooms and finding my spare bed must wait for another day. There’s only so much cleaning I can do before I feel the urge to stop procrastinating and go back to doing homework.

The biggest house work related accomplishment of the day? Laundry. I know some people find doing laundry therapudic but I don’t. I’d rather clean the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush than do laundry. That likely explains why I enjoy sneaking clothes into Drew’s uniform loads or bribing him to get him to do it. I don’t mind sorting or folding laundry – just the carting the basket to the basement (while avoiding being tripped on the stairs by the dogs), figuring out which settings to use on the machines, determining proper measurements for laundry soap, crawling half into the washing machine to get the clothes at the bottom out, and trying to transfer the wet clothes to the dryer without dropping them on the floor.

Despite the overwhelming urge to go shopping for new socks and gitch just so I could avoid doing laundry I managed to beat my urges into submission and got three loads done. The lack of colour in my wardrobe might drive Drew crazy most days but having 98% of your clothing fall into one of five colours it makes getting your laundry done pretty simple. Today I made my way through the blacks, blues/greys, and whites. Tomorrow I tackle my browns and then all my laundry will be done.

Today has been all about mundane things. Tomorrow and Monday likely will be as well. And homework. Can’t forget that.

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3 Responses to “Taking procrastination to the next level”

  1. How are you with ironing? I’ll do laundry any day if somebody would do the ironing. Maybe it’s because I’m taller and have never fallen into the washing machine (visualize short little legs flailing about, hehe).

    We’ll be over in a hour or so to park in your driveway.

    Say hello to hubby for us.

  2. Its been years since I’ve touched an iron. I don’t think we own an ironing board and I think Drew took the iron to the sandbox. I own very little that would ever need to be ironed and those items that do are worn very infrequently.

  3. Get a front load machine. Dawn sure likes hers. There is one front load machine that even delivers the proper amount of soap based on the load in the machine. So, you don’t have to measure anything and with a front load, your clothes come out drier so you don’t have to put them in the drier for as long. Plus, they use less water. Ok…enough of the sales talk….

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