Saturday at the old homestead.

Scribbled down on January 23rd, 2010 by she
Posted in Uncategorized

Spending the weekend doing boring things.

I was visited by the snow shovelling fairy on Friday and decided to pay it forward this morning. I awoke crazy early to find snow had fallen over night and while outside clearing my walk decided to increase my exercise level and cleared the neighbour’s walk as well.

Have I mentioned how odd it is to be waking up at 7:30 am on a weekend? Sleeping in an extra hour over a weekday hardly seems to be sleeping in at all.

I got my treadmill time in post breakfast then wrote my meal plan & grocery list for the week. Then it was off to the grocery store with J.

Post grocery store visit I did some cooking and prepped meals for a few days.

Did I mention I have a paper due tomorrow? Dishes washed. Kitchen cleaned. Floors washed. It’s amazing how much work you can get done when you’re procrastinating.

Running out of time & excuses I finally knuckled down and completed my readings on political culture to prep for my paper writing mega session tomorrow.

Nothing to see here. Boring, yet oddly productive day all around. Hope yours was more exciting.

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