Walk vs. Run

Scribbled down on March 9th, 2010 by she
Posted in new leaf

For the past few weeks I’ve been babbling, blogging, scribbling on Facebook and Tweeting about my plans to register for a Running Room walking clinic later this month. It’s been a pretty common topic of conversation for me for a while.

I’ve changed my mind.

This morning I registered for the Learn to Run clinic instead. My end goal has always been to be able to run. In fact, my end fitness goal for this whole she-bang is to be able to run a marathon. Of course, I’m going to start with smaller distances and work my way up to the 26 mile monstrosity. I haven’t completely lost my mind. Yet.

Since I’ve managed to work my way from walking 1km to 5km in an hour in the last 2 months all on my own, I’m pretty sure I’ll eventually be able to increase my walking distance to 10km without needing to attend a clinic first.  I haven’t yet hurt myself walking and it’s pretty easy to keep myself motivated when it comes to putting one foot in front of the other at a walking pace.

Running is a completely different story. I know I’ll need to learn lots in order to ensure I don’t increase the existing damage to my knees and ankles.  It won’t hurt how to properly dress for the weather and eat for training, etc.

My upcoming goal is to run/walk my way through the 5km at the Little Big Run in May.

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