half way mark

Scribbled down on May 28th, 2010 by she
Posted in new leaf

In my original plan, I was to reach the half way mark for weight loss at the beginning of September. I hit that milestone yesterday. I’m pretty proud of myself. Some weeks I lost more than others. Some weeks I only managed to lose 0.2 lbs. I haven’t gained or plateaued.

I’m no longer classified as obese by my BMI. In 28 lbs, I will no longer meet the classification for overweight. I think I’ll be able to cross “reaching normal weight” off my goal list by Christmas. Then the new challenge will be keeping it off permanently.

My biggest win?  I reached the first few clothing goals I’d set for myself. I’m down 4 pant sizes and 3 shirt sizes since I started the lifestyle change.  Aside from my favourite geek t-shirts, sports jerseys & my da’s sweater, there are few pieces of my old clothes left in my closet. It’s all been donated or passed on to someone else.

Going shopping for new clothes has been both a treat and an eye opener. I still have so much father to go. Or, not so far if I just raid Drew’s closet. His clothes are starting to fit me now.

I’m still in rehab for my knee and suspect I’ll be working on it for many more months to come. No quick trip to the races for me. I’m all turtle these days.

We’re off on a family vacation in under 2 weeks. Cruisin’ around Alaska. Here’s hoping I don’t eat my way through the buffet line!

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One Response to “half way mark”

  1. you don’t have to stand in line they will bring it to you.
    but have some hope, you don’t have to eat everything on your plate just taste it. sharon and i usually shared things since they serve mega size. we actually lost weight because we were always on deck walking around looking as the forest passed by.
    just pick and sample and share.
    let me know when you get the tickets, they’re in the mail
    love dad

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