Cracking the covers

Scribbled down on July 16th, 2010 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I normally adore reading. Sci-Fi, fantasy, crime, mystery, biography, classics. I don’t really have a favourite genre. I happily read hundreds of books a year. Of course my love for reading is predicated on the fact that the book I’m reading interests me. That the pages it contains call out to my imagination and paints vivid pictures in my mind.

Textbooks, at least the one’s for my classes to date, really don’t fill this requirement for me.

Perhaps I shouldn’t admit this but I suspect it’s true for most university students – I’ve never read a text from school from cover to cover. Sure, I read chapters here and there. I skim sections that pop out at me. I’ll hunt down research articles and explore topics of interest. I’ll reference ideas from one text in research assignments for a different class. All the while content with the fact that I have never read a complete text in any class.

This semester worries me. In one class I have the standard text and handful of assigned readings in the form of articles. Class number two is a completely different story. I don’t have all the text for that class yet. One still needs to be shipped to me. The giant pile of textbooks required for the class keeps growing. To date I have 8 of the 9 books. Yeah, that’s right. 9 texts. I have a horrible feeling I’ll need to read more than one of them to pass this class. *sigh*

There goes my perfect “non-reading” record. I have a feeling I’ll be diving into the least dull seeming book beginning this weekend in order to prep for my fall classes.

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