theft of innocence

Scribbled down on November 13th, 2006 by she
Posted in Frothing At The Bit

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the paper this morning. A WWII veteran died of cancer on Remembrance day. To add to the pain his family is feeling, they discovered his house was robbed the same day. I am disappointed, disgusted and in shock. I can’t believe this happened in Newfoundland in 2006.

Had this happened when my dad died I would have been devastated. Actually, when I think about it, I would have been steaming mad and ready to hunt down the culprits.

Something needs to change in our world. We have forgotten what being Canadian represented. We have forgotten the main tenets of our civilization – thou shall not steal… thou shall not kill… In our attempts to appease everyone and pander to the culture of the victim, we are penalizing the actual victims of violence and crime and have begun dismantling our society one brick at a time.

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4 Responses to “theft of innocence”

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us. I feel for that family!

  2. This is a very indictement of the society we live in.

  3. This is a very sad indictement of the society we live in. (I’ll get it right in the end)

  4. That is so sad. 🙁 I hadn’t heard this piece of news over here in Germany. My husband’s extended family lives in Newfoundland, and his grandfather is a WWII vet, living in St. John’s. He’s now in his 80s, and going blind, but otherwise healthy. I know hubby’s family would be totally devastated if something like that happened. So sad.

    How can people do such things? *shakes head*

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