Curiousity got the cat stuck in a plastic bag

Scribbled down on December 17th, 2006 by she
Posted in Terrify’n Space Monkeys

A few minutes ago, while I was happily reading the news online, the hubby shouted down the stairs advising that “you better get up here quick”. He should have known better. On any Sunday that follows a night of copious amounts of red wine being drunk, I don’t move anywhere quickly.

Somehow while she was playing with a plastic grocery bag in the kitchen, Thanatos managed to get her body, head and front leg stuck through the handles. Her back legs were stuck in the main section of the bag. After a bit of wiggling about, she discovered herself stuck and immediately started wailing for help.

The hubby came rushing down the stairs with a squealing cat in his arms. Dumping her unceremoniously in my lap, he says “you deal with it”. It was a smart move on his part. Laying her head on my arm, she immediately stopped howling and squirming. Purring loudly, she patiently waited for me to extract her from the bag. A few ripped handles later and she was wiggling her way out of the bag.

Rescued, she stayed on my lap long enough to get a belly rub and some scratches behind the ears. Then, she toddled off back to rule her domain; the kitchen.

Famous last words: “Damn! We should have taken a picture of that before rescuing her.”

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7 Responses to “Curiousity got the cat stuck in a plastic bag”

  1. I find myself thinking that on occasion. Then I wonder what kind of a monster I’m becoming, that my cats’ indigities are automatically classed as blogfodder. Then I make sure my camera’s nearby 😀

    The other day, I came out to find my digital camera knocked off the small hall table and sitting in the middle of the floor. I think I had interrupted my household ghods in the midst of hiding the instrument of their (occasional, mild) harassment.

  2. Cats are weird creatures. Twice today a cat came skipping down from our 1st floor window ledge past the living room window (on the ground floor). It made me jump both times. Amazing how something as fat as that alley cat can move so fast!

  3. Aww..poor thing! I’m glad she was rescued before she could hurt herself.

    You know, I often think that same thing…I should have taken a picture of THAT! It comes from both being a blogger and a scrapbooker.

  4. LOL, poor kitty…mine used to do the same stupid things and I always keep saying, damn I wish I had taken a picture first on alot of things.

  5. My cat did that with a taco bell bag, only it got caught around his neck. He was running through the house and it was of course following him because it was around his neck.

    He hides ever time he hears a plastic bag now.

  6. Yep, never a camera around when you need it

  7. Hi 🙂
    stopped by from the reading contest to ooh and ahh over your new header. It’s very festive!! I also wanted to mention that I love that your cat is named Thanatos 🙂
    That’s all!
    Happy Holidays!! 🙂

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