weekend update

Scribbled down on January 20th, 2007 by she
Posted in Art, Vittles & Beer, Where No Flan Has Gone Before

This weekend is the time to do all the last minute rushing around before I head out next week. After a full day at work last night, we rushed to dinner with friends and then headed out to Karaoke. There’s nothing like singing Leaving on a jet plane a few days before you actually do toddle off into the great blue yonder.

For the first time in weeks the place seemed packed – ok, there were probably only another 4-5 couples at the bar – and there was an older gentleman singing a lot of Johnny Cash (amazingly well, if I might add) that really should come out more often.

After bribing my designated sober person to drive me home at 2:30 am we had to clean up the mess the puppies made. Apparently they didn’t like being left home alone for so long and proceeded to shred papers and dump garbage in the kitchen. *sigh*

This morning has been a blur of shopping and laundry as I try to cross things of my must have list.

  1. Mosquito repellant
  2. Anti-malarial prescription
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. AA and AAA batteries
  5. Voice recorder
  6. Small bottle of shampoo
  7. Q-tips
  8. Band aids
  9. Anti-bacterial foam wash and cremes for cuts
  10. Antacid
  11. Sweater bags (plastic clothes storage bags come in really handy when you’re packing)
  12. Snacks for the plane (I love Sunray fruit snacks)
  13. Tic Tacs
  14. Anti-histamines
  15. Tylenol

Now begins the mad dash to get everything into a single bag while staying in the 50 lbs limit. Ah, the joys of travel.

At least I can put this behind me for a few hours this evening and spend my time watching the Oiler’s game with some friends this evening. Good thing we checked our tickets this morning or we could have arrived at Rexall Place a few hours too early for the show. Oh, and tonight I shall bring my camera…

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2 Responses to “weekend update”

  1. Hope the Oilers were as good as our Penguins (they TROUNCED the Leafs). Be sure to check out the contest on my blog (and Rashenbo’s); you inspired it. I hope you’ll have time to enter.

  2. Sounds like fun, have a good time!!

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