couldn’t wait until friday

Scribbled down on March 14th, 2007 by she
Posted in It's a Living

So, what was the big news? Well, after much thought, consideration, worry and long discussions with the hubby, I decided to quit my job. I was going to wait until Friday to put in my resignation – so that I’d give exactly 2 weeks notice – but couldn’t wait and gave notice today.

What’s so odd about that? Well, I’m a wee bit of a worry wart, overly organized and usually have a nice firm head on my shoulders. However, after 9 years with the same company, I’ve quit my job with no parachute (alternate employment) and no real idea what I’ll be doing in a few weeks. Guess I had better start pounding the pavement and find a new job quickly!

I’m sure it was the right thing to do. Despite the worries associated with shortly being unemployed, I’m still sleeping better.

Anyone want to hire an instructional designer?

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4 Responses to “couldn’t wait until friday”

  1. Wow, that was SO not what I was expecting, especially since you just got back from a trip! Or did the trip have something to do with tilting the balance?

    anyway, I need a publicist, but you’d have to work for a cut of what I make. Which is, until I get into merchandise, zero.

    Sorry I can’t do much. But I’ll have a summer reading contest again, so that ought to help keep you busy at least!

  2. I know of a certain trainer that is off this week, calling in sick on Monday and putting in notice on Tuesday. Maybe the two of you can come up with something.

  3. thingking you were leaning towards that decision..your the best and i know you’ll soon find a yob that will suit you more. and happy sleeping!

  4. I guess if I have to go google what an Instructional Designer is it probably means I can’t help you out. Big step but obviously the right one if you’re sleeping well at night over your decision. Good luck in your next journey!

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