End Goal – Balance

Scribbled down on April 3rd, 2007 by she
Posted in It's a Living, Popularity Contests

I’ve been tagged! Oh my, I wonder if this means it’s hunting season for unemployed Instructional Designers. Perhaps that’s a good thing…

I was tagged by Laughing Muse from Title Deleted for Security Reasons with a meme started by Lillie at A Writer’s Words, an Editor’s Eye:. To participate, write a post about balance in life and link back to this post. Answer any or all of the following questions or simply share your thoughts about life balance.

It’s interesting that this plopped on my blog-step just days into my unemployment. Why did I quit? Well, there’s a myriad of reasons, but one of the best is that I’m in desperate need of a better work/life balance. What does that mean? I’m not sure. I just know I’m desperate to work fewer hours, spend more time with my husband, and make more connections in my community.

At the moment, I’m balancing the anxiety of being unemployed with the need to be a better wife. I’m re-learning to cook, caring for my cats and dogs, writing, sleeping, reading, and trying to get rid of some of this excess weight.

How do you achieve balance in your life? As soon as I figure that out, I’ll let you in on the secret.

What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life? Learning to say no. One of my biggest problems from a work standpoint was that I had a lot of difficulty saying no to crazy deadlines and walking away after an 8-10 hour day. Many times I nearly killed myself working a series of 16-18 hour days just to meet deadlines and ensure that I never failed at a meeting a project deadline. Sure, I developed a reputation for being the “go-to” girl when a difficult project needed to be completed on a tight timeline, but I had no semblance of a social life. I’ve had the same issues in my personal life.

What are your priorities? Right now they’re simple. Family. Friends. Community. Work. I want to improve my sleeping habits, spend time volunteering in my community (preferably in an adult literacy program), go back to school and finish a few degrees, learn to play dad’s bagpipes, spend more time with my husband, cook, read, and write.

How have your priorities changed over time and why? I am a recovering workaholic. See, the first step to recovery is admission. My world revolved around work, work and more work. When I wasn’t working, I was thinking about work, reading papers and texts relating to work, talking about work, and planning what to do next at work. Finally I’ve grown up. I’m trying to take a step back from the work world and take a moment to relax – perhaps smelling a few flowers along the way. I’m actively looking for new employment since I can’t be unemployed forever. I’ve got a mortgage to pay and all that. On the other hand, I’m being more selective about where I’m applying and the types of jobs I’m considering.

What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives? Ha! If I knew the answer to that, perhaps I’d never have allowed myself to get into the situation I’m in now. I think it’s important to know your own limits and to set limits around the time you’re spending on things you do to survive (work, etc.) versus things you do to live (relax, hobbies). Now all I need to do is figure out what my limits are and put it all into practice…

Now it’s my turn to tag five other people. Unfortunately, some of my intended victims have already been tagged. I’ll need to dig deep and beg forgiveness from my new blogging friends for tagging them.Γ‚ It’s always better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. I’m tagging

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9 Responses to “End Goal – Balance”

  1. Since I was tagged by a T13 participant, I tried really hard to tag people other than T13 participants. It wasn’t easy…

    Being the “go-to” person, the troubleshooter, is sometimes nice – but sometimes annoying. I’m more than willing to help out when things have just not gone according to plan. I’m less inclined to stay late, rush, or panic if things are fouled up because some numbskull did a slipshod job of planning, didn’t tell their supervisors that meeting a certain deadline would not be possible, didn’t ask for help in a timely fashion; or just flaked off. I will help keep the monkeys on the parade route; but I will not walk behind the IBS elephant with a pooper-scooper.

  2. Sweet! I’ll do this right now. πŸ™‚

  3. […] You all know I love these! I’ve been tagged by Sheelagh at The Screaming Pages on how do I managed a home/work life balance. It’s one of the hardest things I do on a daily basis (yes, even tougher than editing!). So here we go! […]

  4. Thanks for including me in this meme … My answers are up and I’ve linked back to your post. Stop by and sign my “mr. linky” …

  5. Thank you for participating in the meme! Congratulations on taking positive action to quit your job to bring more balance into your life. Best wishes for finding the right job … soon!

  6. No, YOU totally rock, my friend! Thanks for the taggy! I have one to do today (that’s, like, WAY overdue — I’ve been away…at the in laws…so am totally drained right now!)– i promise to get to this by Friday. I never say no to the tag! πŸ˜‰ From your answers, and your blog, I can tell we have a lot in common. πŸ™‚ I’m just now learning to say no….Actually, the monkey’s teaching me….SHE SAYS IT ALL THE TIME!! πŸ˜‰

  7. I dunno what happened to my comment, dang it! it got eaten up or something! Thanks for the taggy! And, for the props — YOU totally rock! πŸ˜‰ I’ll get to this by Friday. I have another tag to do before then still — I’ve been away and soooo unable to keep up with the blogworld lately!

    I have to learn to say no,too….It’s hard, isn’t it! But the monkey’s teaching me well….SHE SAYS IT ALL THE TIME!!! πŸ˜‰

  8. It got eaten again…maybe you moderate the comments? But, my other one showed right up! Whaddup? πŸ˜‰

  9. Okay,I feel like the biggest loser right now. I’ll just go “rock on,” then…. πŸ˜‰

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