who me, drive without a license?

Scribbled down on April 22nd, 2007 by she
Posted in Friends & Family, Random Burbling

Often, when I dress up to go out with the hubby, I don’t carry a purse. Instead, I hand off my driver’s license to him and he keeps in on hand in a pocket in case I need it. A week ago on Friday we attended a black tie dinner. As usual, my license was handed over to the keeper of the ID. This time he placed it in his wallet.

Normally I remember to get the ID back – or he remembers to give it to me. This week I forgot. On a standard week, this wouldn’t be a big deal. Unfortunately for me on Wednesday the hubby drove off to go play in the mud (aka: military exercises at another location) for a month. And where’s my driver’s license? Yeah, it’s in his wallet.

Now, I’ve been taking the LRT downtown most of this week and haven’t been driving, so I didn’t notice that I didn’t have it. Late Friday night, as I was prepping to go out to karaoke with the girls, I discovered I had no driver’s license. ACK! Saturday was a wash and today no registries were open within walking distance. Tomorrow I need to get the dogs to the vet so I’ve had to find a friend who can drive me to a local registry so I can apply for a temporary driver’s license.

I am not amused.

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5 Responses to “who me, drive without a license?”

  1. So how was the black tie dinner?

  2. Gah…that beats my strep throat.

    And yes – was the black tie occasion fun? (At least that would make up, somewhat, for the invonvenience of a misplaced license.)

  3. oh yea, this would drive me batty!

  4. you should just leave your license in the car… unless you have 2 cars that you used simultaneously?

  5. […] My driver’s license – and pens. Must have lots and lots of pens handy. […]

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