it’s raining, it’s pouring…

Scribbled down on July 14th, 2006 by she
Posted in Where No Flan Has Gone Before

Typhoon Florita made landfall in Manila and I slept through it. Actually, rain was falling in sheets when I left work at 7am and the drive home was slow. It was difficult to see anything through the windshield but luckily the trip back to the hotel from work is very short. The bulk of the wind and rain apparently struck around 2pm when I was snug in bed.

Many of my co-workers weren’t as lucky. Houses began flooding from the constant rain on Wednesday and by Thursday many people were armed with buckets and desperately trying to shift the water from the inside to the outside where it belongs. According to those who have been affected, certain areas of the city are commonly affected by flooding in the “rainy” season. This is scheduled to keep up until at least another month and a half…

The time it takes them to travel to work has doubled and in some cases tripled. Pau has resorted to taking a taxi to work just to make it on time – but this has resulted in a distinct dip in her bank account. The two hour trip by bus and jeepney is far more affordable than taxi’s.

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