Long weekend

Scribbled down on July 1st, 2007 by she
Posted in Friends & Family, Random Burbling

Yesterday we helped friends move from their house into a new condo and I woke up this morning feeling worse than I did when I was helping on the Habitat build. Muscles I forgot existed are screaming at me today.

So, what did we do after earning all these sore muscles? Gardening of course. The hubby picked up weed and feed and some new seed, and I picked out a bunch of new flowers. We dug up the old, half dead garden, and laid a new one. Drew planted a wild rosebush and we’re hoping that soon we’ll stop being the neighbourhood eyesore (my description of our front lawn) and start looking as chic as everyone else.

Tonight, Drew packs for his trip to Montreal and I’ve a to do list to draft so I know when to water all of the new plants. I’ve a black thumb, but hopefully all the new plants will still be alive by the time he arrives home later in the week.

Wish us luck!

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Happy Canada Day everyone.

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