They ALL float down here

Scribbled down on July 9th, 2007 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

Warning: Ewwee, gross content below.

I’ve been living with the shame all weekend – and thus avoiding my computer and the urge to blog. I was gardening again this weekend. Umm…ok…that’s not the really shameful part.

I dropped my cell phone in water.

Yeah, umm *sigh* well, it’s truth by omission…

When I was a kid I was a huge fan of Stephen King and IT was the creepiest book I’d ever read. Perhaps it was because I already suffered from coulrophobia (and linking to this wiki entry with a picture of Pennywise was a struggle). During my teen watch every slasher and horror flick I could get my hands on phase, I caught the film version of IT. Since then, I’ve never forgotten the sound of Tim Curry‘s voice uttering the line They ALL float down here. When you’re down here with us, you’ll float too!

Cell phones don’t float. And they don’t work once their circuit boards have been fried by water.

I know – I’m getting a little ahead of myself here.

I bought these great shorts with huge side pockets and velcro closures. They’re comfy and I can wear them at work. The downside to them is that the pockets at the front are super shallow. My cell was in them when I had to run to the little girls room. You can fill-in-the-blanks on the rest.

Needless to say, my cell was fried and I was NOT in the mood to go rescue it. Sunday found me wandering aimlessly amongst the cell phone vendors attempting to pick out a new phone that I could afford and had some (if not all) of the features of my old phone. While the mission was accomplished, my new phone doesn’t have expandable memory or a speaker phone (I miss them already) and I no longer have the blackmail photo of the hubby singing karaoke as my wallpaper.

I do have a fast type keyboard on the number pad for the massive numbers of text messages I tend to send. Of course, before I can send texts, I need to rebuild my contact list.

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4 Responses to “They ALL float down here”

  1. Get thee an iPhone…you will ascend to the next realm! The MacVangelist!

  2. LOL Oh I feel for you. Hope you break the new cell phone in soon. And….I’ve given you an award on my blog :o)

  3. That’s too funny.

  4. I’d love an iPhone but I don’t think they’re available through the cell providers in Canada yet. Besides, I can’t afford an iPhone for a few hundred years…

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