the wearin’ o’ the red

Scribbled down on March 15th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

Many years ago I dyed my hair red. I kept it that colour for a few years. Most of the coworkers I met after that time automatically assumed I was a natural redhead and had no idea I’d been dying it. Apparently the skin tones of a blonde are similar to those of a redhead. It wasn’t until I had my head shaved for a charity event that my coworkers learned I was blonde and not a redhead.

I’m 1/4 Irish – my gran on my mum’s side of the family -and 3/4 Scots. The only explanation I have for the blonde hair and blue eyes is that someone in my family tree couldn’t run fast enough when the Norse invaders came calling many hundreds of years ago. Likely multiple someones over multiple generations. Ooh, dad always hated it when I said that…

For Halloween 2007, I dyed my hair red again. Since it’s gotten such a positive reaction, I’ve given up on letting my roots grow out and have decided to by another bottle of dye and recolour it red. I’m heading home to SJ in a few weeks and my mum hasn’t seen me with red hair in many moons. It’ll be interesting to see her reaction.

Beats having to shave my head again to let the natural colour grow back…

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3 Responses to “the wearin’ o’ the red”

  1. She’ll get used to it….in time.

  2. I have had a box of red color down stairs for months. I haven’t been red in about 5 years, but I keep thinking I might like to again.

  3. It took me awhile to get used to seeing you as a redhead but I like it. Glad to hear you plan to keep it for awhile longer.

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