thinking too much?

Scribbled down on May 1st, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I’m an insomniac. I thought I’d managed to break free of the evil grip of no sleep. I have experienced hours days weeks of decent sleep since I quit my past job in spring of 2007 and started working at the college.   Lately I’ve noticed that I’m starting to have difficulty sleeping once again.

I used to think that my inability to sleep was related to stress.  Perhaps it is.  But, exams aside, I don’t really feel stressed these days.  At least not due to work.  My jobs being reclassified (ergo, promotion) and my contact is being renewed.  I’ve had an opportunity to work on papers and with some amazing minds.  I’m learning something new most days. 

That said, I just can’t seem to turn my brain off at night. I spend time thinking about work, school, the hubby’s upcoming trip, etc. Thoughts roll around in my head.  Future plans.  Reminder notices to self.  Occassional conversations with myself.  I often wonder how people’s brains work. I wonder if I’m the only one who can’t turn it all off and go to sleep – no matter how desperately I want to do so. I think that’s why I decided to study psychology instead of sociology when I returned to university.

For now, I’ll settle for a good night’s sleep.

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4 Responses to “thinking too much?”

  1. If you find the answer to this one I’d love to hear it. I have to really tell myself to ‘turn it off’ when I try and fall asleep otherwise I’m going a mile a minute…in my brain. I don’t think we’re the only ones, I’ve heard a lot of people say the same thing.

  2. I have this problem, but my mind goes from errands I need to do, to things I need to clean, to places I need to go, to old conversations being replayed in my head, to math equations. Once the math starts, it takes all my concentration to turn it off. I found that there is a late night AM radio program called Coast to Coast and if I listen to that, then I don’t think about the other things

  3. My problem is Monday nights. With the volume at work to get done and the lack progress at band and downright resistance to my leadership role, I often am awake most of the night. Other nights aren’t that bad.

  4. I need to have the television on on order to fall asleep most nights, maybe that helps so I am not thinking of other things.

    Jay is usually only bad on sunday nights but most other nights he is out as soon as he hits the pillow.

    I heard once if you write things down before you go to bed it helps, but some nights with everything going on you could be up all night writing!

    What is the word on Drew’s upcoming trip??

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