blog about what you know

Scribbled down on August 14th, 2006 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

When I’m not trying to figure out how to resolve my technorati update issues (my feed isn’t updating, despite a number of pings), I’ve spent some time reviewing the standard literature about blogging. It all makes sense – create a niche market, blog about what you know, keep to regular posting and you’ll slowly develop a readership. After all, no one wants to spend time formulating a post and publishing it if no one is reading.

I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis that do just as the “experts” advise. I find myself gravitating towards blogs with a purpose – politics; military; eLearning; learning and development; and the occasional off-the-wall personal journal are all daily staples.

Unfortunately, I’m full of excuses as to why I can’t pick a topic and stick with it.

I’m a news junkie and devour as much as I can from a variety of political spectrums, but there are already many amazing current events and Canadian politics related blogs. Besides, I don’t have the patience to devote my little grey cells to the intricacies of Canadian politics on a daily basis. I’d quickly drive myself mad.

I’m a military spouse and have lived on bases all over the country. When it comes to the military I can be opinionated, defensive and exasperating. Writing about this aspect of my life would have me searching for the nearest exit within a week – never mind what it might do to anyone who reads these posts.

I travel with work and for pleasure all over the globe. I keep travel journals and photo galleries chronicling some of the experiences. Sometimes there are months between the trips, it would make for a boring blog (or one that’s not often updated) if I dedicated it to travel alone.

I don’t have enough confidence in my own abilities to handle a blog dedicated to exploring eLearning or instructional system design (ISD). I’m still struggling to understand my own philosophy of learning and how my existing mental models influence my opinions relating to preferred methodology. I may dabble in an occasional post, but I’m not ready to jump into the deep end of the pool just yet.

At the moment, the one thing that’s been taking up a large portion of my time, brain power, and spirit that could fit the bill is a topic I just can’t bring myself to write about. I’m sure it would fulfill a niche market and might even be cathartic. I’m avoiding the topic for many reasons, not the least of which is that I just don’t have the emotional strength to write about home care for a palliative cancer patient. I struggle sending email updates to family members. I can’t imagine allowing the public in to read about our daily struggles and losses.

I guess I’ll just continue along the current path, posting willy-nilly about whichever topic strikes my fancy. Enjoy.

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3 Responses to “blog about what you know”

  1. I think your willy nilly changes of topics suits you, It shows the extensive range of interests that you have. I feel that some of the “one topic only” sites can be somewhat unfriendly if you happen to make a comment that is not 100% on topic, since every thought or statement has the capability to spur other topics of disscusion across multiple topics. keep up the variaty

  2. I agree 100%. Ever since you left Manila the end of July I’ve been reading your thoughts regularly. What keeps me coming back, most of the time, is that I never know from day to day or week to week what will “peak” your interest. Let me just say I am enjoying every thought. You actually make me stop and think about things that I, like most people, take for granted.

    Looking forward to the next update………..

    Take care and know that we’re here for you.

  3. Each one of us bloggers has to find his or her own voice. My blog is professional and focused on 3 areas. Some people find it dry. Yours is more spontaneous. Vive la différence 🙂

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