fun with water sports

Scribbled down on July 7th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

On Saturday night we ended the evening with a bbq. Loxley arrived just as we’d finished eating. During the meal a storm broke out and water pooled along our canvas gazebo cover. We were still sitting on the deck hours after we’d finished eating when the devil decided to act through J. While Drew was distracting Loxley and I by pretending to push out the water collected in the gazebo (which we all knew was going to land on Loxley’s back), J grabbed a wooden spoon and actually pushed the water down on her. After the screaming subsided – apparently the water was very cold at 11pm – Drew picked up the monster water dish we had outside for the dogs and pretended to throw it at J. J’s reflexes were quicker and she dumped half of the contents of the dish on Drew. He then threw the rest of the water at J. While she was soaked some of the water was diverted onto Loxley. The clothes that hadn’t been soaked by the dousing from above were swamped with water from Drew’s antics.

Loxley has been known to wait years to get her revenge. Drew and J should be wary!

The fun doesn’t end there. This evening many of us were sitting around in contractor R’s backyard (not the same R from the previous Jr. High entry) when V decided that watering the lawn wasn’t entertaining enough for her. She promptly hosed down me, then moved on to L and Drew. When R finished saying goodnight to his grand-kids and packing them off home, V caught him in the walkway between their garages. He snuck into the house and filled a large bucket with shampoo and water. Creeping around into V’s backyard, he threw 1/2 the bucket’s contents onto her as she had sat down to relax. L laughed so hard he claimed to have nearly pee’d himself. Always generous, R offered her the bucket and its remnants to spash onto him.

V claims to be patient. I think we’re all in trouble.

Me, I had to go in and change

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