a shopping I did go

Scribbled down on October 11th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I know.  I was supposed to be home, locked in the basement, studying today. I promise to study tomorrow.  I don’t have much choice since my weekly assignment is due early Monday morning.  Procrastination can only carry me so far before the guilt kicks in and I buckle down.

In my defence, my awesome neighbours don’t have a vehicle of their very own.  They do most of their shopping in small increments to ensure they can always carry it home by hand.  Sometimes they need access to a vehicle.  Especially when trying to bring larger items home. They do so much awesome stuff for us that I always check and see if they need a chauffeur whenever I’m heading out on non work related activities.

This afternoon I noted a distinct lack of edible items in my fridge and did my neighbourly duty.  I called J to determine if she needed to go shopping and wanted to join me while I went out to gather fruits, vegetables and beer.  As luck would have it she needed an escape route from her afternoon with L and some groceries. Off to Costco we went.

Millions of dollars and side trips to Walmart (my fault, I needed new jeans) and the beer store later we were homeward bound.  I don’t really enjoy shopping.  If I have to go out I want to get everything at once.  On the bright side my fridge and cupboards are loaded with foodstuffs, I have new jeans and a few new blouses, and there’s a case of beer in the fridge and a CD full of blues in my iPod.  I have the first season of Chuck ready to load into my DVD player and copies of Greg Mortenson’s Three cups of Tea and the latest novel by Ian Rankin my bedside.  Yes.  Like any good child of Scottish immigrants I too am addicted to Inspector Rebus’ antics.

I’ve done my part for the Canadian economy today.  Now I’m off to study.  Yeah.  That’s it.  Study.

Have a great evening everyone.

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4 Responses to “a shopping I did go”

  1. I hate shopping too. I always try to get someone else to do it for me. If I have to go I always try to get a friend to come along as company and also as a distraction in the hated chore.

  2. have a great evening too

  3. I love your new header. Thank you very much for displaying the BlogBlast logo. See you in a few weeks!

    Your June 2008 peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery.
    You are officially peace globe #1048.
    BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome!

  4. I don’t really enjoy shopping either. I am not Scottish, but parting with my money is not pleasant. It is fun to go shopping with a friend however and I do like to have a full kitchen and some other new stuff too.

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