Our phone number is similar to that of a local school. Occassionally we get calls from parents who have transposed two of the numbers. Today we got a call from a woman who was trying to register her kids in grade 7. Despite the fact that the answering machine messages says “hi, you’ve reached name and name lastname, we’re not home right now. leave a message after the beep” we continually receive messages from parents to frazzled or lazy to actually listen to the message.
Tonight, the hubby tried to call the woman back to let her know she’d called the wrong number and give her the correct number for the school. The fact that the call was at 8pm should have been a hint to the woman that it wasn’t a school calling. The conversation (which I got to listen to on speaker phone) went like this:
Him: Hi, you called our house and left a message on our machine about registering your kids in school. You called the wrong number. You need to call ###-####.
Her: I’m trying to register name for grade 7.
Him: We’re not a school. You need to call the school to register. The number is ###-####.
Her: [interupting at the end of his sentence] But I need to register my kid for school. He’s going to be in grade 7.
Him: You didn’t call the school. You called our house. I’m trying to let you know you called the wrong number.
Her: He needs to be in grade 7.
Him: We’re not a school.
Her: His name is XX. What do you need for registration?
Him: We’re full. We’re not accepting any registrations.
Her: [angry] What?
Him: We’re full.
Her: What about grade 6? I can hold him back a year.
Him: We’re full.
Her: I have another son I need to register in grade 9.
Him: We don’t have a grade 9.
Her: I thought you were grades 6-9.
Him: No, we’re not a school. You called a house. You need to call the school. If we were a school, we’d be k-8.
Her: But…
Him: We’re full. [hangs up]
So much for trying to be nice and do someone a favour. During the school year, we receive 5-10 calls a week from parents who never listen to our answering machine messages and leave messages about doctor and dentist appointments, ill children, etc. If the message sounds urgent and not too much time has passed since it was received, we do try to call the parents back to let them know they called the wrong number and give them the correct one. Never seems to resolve the problem.
Oddly enough, I get more angry parents as a result of their mistakes than I get grateful ones. I have a feeling we should just stop trying…
Technorati Tags: phone calls, parents, school, wrong number