Friday’s Feast: 143

Scribbled down on May 11th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests


Feast Number One Hundred & Fourty Three

Appetizer: Tell about a time when you had to be brave.

  • When I was a little sprout, I was out jumping my bike off of a home made ramp with a lot of the other kids in our neighbourhood. Of course, the bikes landed in gravel instead of on a nice safe road. I hit the brakes too early and wiped out, shredding the skin on my hand and destroying my fingernails. I went running home screaming “mommy, mommy, mommy” but stopped in the middle of my front lawn and got all quiet – which freaked the other kids out. When asked what was wrong, I remember saying “mom’s at work, she’s not home” which started off a round of my screaming “daddy, daddy, daddy” for the rest of the journey into the house. Dad put my hand in ice and then bundled my sister and I off to the emergency room of the hospital (not the one mom worked in). There, the doctors kept sticking needles in my fingers to freeze them so they could remove the dirt, rocks and fingernails, but the medications weren’t working, so they evenually decided just to rip the fingernails out directly. This of course, set dad off since he “could have done this at home hours ago”.

Soup: Which upcoming movie are you excited about seeing?

  • We have a rule in our house that we can’t go see a movie we’re both interested if we’re not together. Since the hubby is away playing in the mud at CFB Wainwright, there’s a few on this list that are already out. We’re looking forward to Hot Fuzz, Spiderman III, 28 Weeks Later, The Lookout, Transformers, Resident Evil III, and Harry Potter V at the moment. Update: I can’t believe I forgot Pirates of the Caribbean III!

Salad: Name an item you try to always have on hand.

Main Course: Imagine the most relaxing room you can think of. Now describe it!

  • I think I’m in it right now. It’s a small bedroom that was converted to a home office/library. Books and bookcases surround me on two walls. There’s a desk beside the third wall with shelves for storing office and scrapbooking supplies above it. The desk is decked out with computer equipment. The 4th wall has a window with a small fridge underneath it to hold juice, water and pop. To the left of the window is another bookcase while to the right I have a laser printer and other computer equipment. The only thing it’s lacking is a comfy chair to read in – but finding one to fit in the room has been a bit of a challenge…

Dessert: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), how spiritual or religious are you?

  • I have no fondness for organized religion, but I do believe there’s some sort of higher power at work. I think, possibly because of my travels, that there’s good concepts in many religions, but people tend to warp a lot of those concepts. It’s like communism, on paper and in theory it might sound like a fair system where everyone works towards a fair and just society, but the minute you bring people into the mix, the entire concept becomes a huge mess! So, religious = 0, spiritual = 8.


  1. We’re buying you a lifetime subscription to any magazine or periodical journal you want! What’ll it be? Oh my, I have no idea. Sure, I have a current subscription to McLean’s, but I don’t know if I’d really want a lifetime one. Perhaps the Journal of Educational Technology & Society.
  2. We’re buying you any existing non-chain, one-location-only store and giving you an expert lifetime manager, so that all you have to do is make decisions and watch them succeed or fail! What will be the store, and what will be your first change? I wanted to choose my local independant bookstore, but since they’ve branched out to three locations in the city, they don’t qualify. *sigh*
  3. We’re buying you any house within a one-mile radius of your own! Which one do you want, and why? I’ll take the mortgage being paid off on mine thank you very much. I adore my house. While I’ve been in many of my neighbours homes, there’s nothing so striking about any of them that I’d rather live in theirs than my own home.
  4. We’re hiring someone to take care of any ONE specific household chore (except cooking) for the rest of your life! Which chore will he or she attend to?Laundry – I hate doing laundry!
  5. We’re providing the start-up capital for any crazy idea for a business, service, or product you can dream up, giving you total creative control while we finance your dream for five years, after which it must fail or succeed on its own merit! What will it be? I’d open my own training and performance consulting firm. I’d hire Robin and Paul to deliver training, Dori-Ann and Dana to do the performance consulting and sales pitches, and I’d design and develop the training programs based on the individual needs of each organization.

h/t to Caylynn’s Contemplations for the FF graphic. I shamelessly swiped it from her site.

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7 Responses to “Friday’s Feast: 143”

  1. I am honored to be the first to sit down at your feast.
    Reading about your bicycle accident as a child made me cringe! Sounds painful.
    Your relaxing room sounds………relaxing (*grin*)
    My feast is finally served. I hope you will stop in if you get time.

  2. Wow, you guys have a lot of movies that you want to see right now! 🙂

    Your relaxing room sounds great.

  3. And how much start up capital do you think you would need? Paul would enjoy working with that crew. Mind you, you would all probably laugh and have fun all day, which wasn’t allowed in ‘the last place’.

  4. I want to see Hot Fuzz too. It looks excellent

  5. Yo, world traveller — I tagged ya!

    (no peanuts involved; no worries)

  6. Great feast – I’m jealous of your office/scrapbooking space…my scrapbooking space (which has been gathering dust since I’ve gone back to univ. full time) is my former dining room table…yikes…

  7. PS – we have more in common than your Friday’s Feast first suggested; I just read your “About Me” page. We were both born and raised in the same city! (I’m still here…)

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