Tagged – but at least I still have my antlers

Scribbled down on May 12th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests

Susan Helen tagged me for the 8 random things meme.

She who must be obeyed tells me the rules are as follows:

  1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So without further ado, here’s eight random things about me, some I’ve likely blogged about in the past.

  1. I orginally started blogging in 2003 when I traveled to India the first time so that my friends and family could know what I was up to. The contents were more of a travel journal and can be found at Daemon-ink.net under the Travel Journals section.
  2. I have two dogs and two cats (dogs: Fenris and Hypnos, cats: Thanatos and Beelzebub) and at one point we had a third cat (Manx: Grendel) who just couldn’t get along with the others once we brought the first dog into the mix. My parents adopted her and brought her home to NB approximately 6 years ago.
  3. After living together for a few years, the hubby and I eloped. This was back in the day when he had to obtain permission from his military commanders to get married – something I believe is no longer required. We had planned to hold a renewal of vows ceremony for the family a few years back, but when dad was diagnosed with cancer it became far more important to spend time with him rather than spend $$ on a second wedding. The renewal didn’t happen.
  4. I’m allergic to peanuts and mosquitos. Peanuts will kill me, while mosquito bites will result in really ugly welts and massive scarring.
  5. When I returned from my latest trip to India and the Philippines in March of 2007, I quit my job. It’s horrific being unemployed when you’re a workaholic. That said, I’m pretty picky about where I’ll be working next, so I’ve turned down every job offer I’ve received to date. When choosing my next place to spend my energies, I need to make sure that I’m working at a company whose ethics and vision match my own.
  6. I’m the only one in my immediate family that was born in Canada.
  7. I’m a published poet. I really haven’t been writing much lately. A large chunk of my work was reviewed and edited by Fred Cogswell in the early to mid 90’s. Despite this awesome pedigree, I tend to get far more rejection letters than acceptance. There’s no accounting for taste.
  8. As children, my sister and I spent a lot of time Highland Dancing. It seemed a large chunk of our summers were spent shuttling from competition to competition. Years later, my dad began playing with pipe bands so when we weren’t dancing we were watching dad compete. I have dad’s pipes and will be slowly learning to play them thanks to Wendy (Edm Girls Pipe Band).

Now for the fun part, I get to tag my *ahem* victims. This was actually more difficult than expected, since many of the people I’d have liked to tag already have been. I choose Laughing Muse, Joy T, Haley-O, Fence, Mark, Robin, Candace, and Carwyn.

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9 Responses to “Tagged – but at least I still have my antlers”

  1. You know, this is the perfect time to learn the pipes. The chanter takes a bit of time and perserverence. You have both. Hubby learned to play while recovering from an ankle injury when he was 18. Motivated people get through the ugly beginner parts much quicker. I can imagine you being proficient in the basics by the time band starts in the fall.

  2. Ooh, you got some I’d been thinking of tagging, but wound up saving for another time. Nice list of taggees!

    and cool stuff about you! Even though I knew the bit about the peanuts.

    Thanks for playing nice!

  3. Wow, you’re awesome — 2 dogs and 2 cats…? And, those names! LOVE THEM! I’d love to see your poetry…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’m not allergic to mosquito bites, but I am horribly sensitive, so I feel your pain. I swear, if there’s one lousy mosquito in the entire hemisphere it manages to find me (and then proceeds to gorge itself Thanksgiving dinner-style on some completely unreachable spot!).

    Thanks for the tag, I had fun with it.

  5. The peanut allergy must be difficult when traveling. Haven’t been by lately, but it was fun to read your list.

  6. Just done it, thanks! Now you can say you took my “tag virginity”, I never did a thing like this before *lol*

  7. And done ๐Ÿ™‚

    You eloped? how romantic.

  8. I wanted to elope so bad it’s not even funny. But that didn’t happen. Great list, I always love watching Highland dancing. I’ll start on my list soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I am planning on participating…probably tomorrow. Today is my second real day on the “recovery trail”, and I don’t want to push it.

    But I will participate, I promise!!

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