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  • movember challenge continues

    November 6th, 2009 she Posted in Lighter Side, Popularity Contests, Random Burbling 1 Comment »

    After a day off to re-think my fundraising strategy – I’m back. I’ve decided that my personal goal is to try and reach $880 before anyone else on the team. In order to get there I’m going to need every one of you, my loyal blog readers (that’s at least 5 people, right?), to donate a few shekels to the cause. I’d ask my “Facebook friends” but apparently they’re already sick of my daily #movember status updates and not as friendly as they make out to be.

    I’m also silly enough to agree to wear a fake moustache at work at the end of the month (or perhaps even while at a convention in LA in a few weeks) if I surpass the goal.

    There might even be pictures.

    Highlights of today’s begging post:

    1. My goal is to raise $880 (more is always welcome) for Movember before the end of the month.
    2. If I raise the $880 before any other member of my team, I’ll get a fake moustache and wear it to work.
    3. If I raise the $880 before Nov. 20, I’ll wear the fake moustache at a convention in LA where friends and strangers will have ample opportunity to heckle me.
    4. If you haven’t already please donate to the cause. Help in the battle to wipe out prostate cancer.

    I’m going to pretend the glass is half-full today and assume I can make the goal. Cause I know y’all love me and support my charity works. That said, anyone know where I can get a fake moustache in Edmonton?

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    Movember – Day II

    November 4th, 2009 she Posted in Lighter Side, Popularity Contests, Random Burbling No Comments »

    Today marks day two of my involvement with the Movember challenge. My “friends” are offering suggestions for obtaining a moustache. Drawing seems to be the most popular. Followed, oddly enough, with the advice to skip the moustache bit and just let the leg hair grow to show support *shudder*
    Get involved. Grow (or draw) moustaches. And don’t forget to donate to the cause.
    Also, I think I need to set a fundraising goal. Any suggestions?
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    November 3rd, 2009 she Posted in Lighter Side, Popularity Contests, Random Burbling No Comments »

    Some would say I’ve yet to meet a charity I didn’t like. While that may not be 100% accurate, I do seem to be getting involved in fundraising and volunteer work more often these days.

    This month my efforts will be focused on Movember. What’s Movember you ask?

    Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues – specifically prostate cancer.

    The money raised in Canada goes directly to Prostate Cancer Canada. Prostate Cancer Canada will use the money raised by Movember for the development of programs related to awareness, public education, advocacy, support of those affected, and research into the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of prostate cancer.

    Blatently stolen from the Movember website at http://ca.movember.com/about/

    Like most women, I have no desire to grow a moustache. We pay good money to get rid of even the suggestion of a moustache. And, like my follicle challenged team leader, Landon, my husband is equally unable to grow a decent moustache. Not for lack of trying on his part. I believe the end result of his most recent attempt was nicknamed the “70’s porn ‘stache” for good reason.


    You can donate to moi or my Movember team using your Credit Card or Paypal account. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

    Let the men wear their moustaches with pride and send me all your cashy money 😉

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    February 6th, 2009 she Posted in Popularity Contests, Random Burbling 4 Comments »

    I’ve been a big fan of Twitter for a while now. It provides me with an easy way to keep in touch with new and old friends; near and far. I can follow some of the most interesting people in the fields of training and education, web cartoonists, authors, musicians, actors, and browncoats all in one location.

    Want to know what Wil Wheaton (@wilw), PJ Haarsma (@TheSoftwire), Scott Sigler (@scottsigler) or Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) have been writing about?  Curious as to where in the world Stephen Fry (@StephenFry) is now? Follow them on Twitter.  Want to find out when Marian Call‘s (@mariancall) next performance is? She’s on Twitter too.  Fan of The Guild (@theguild), Dr. Horrible (@drhorrible) or Legend of Neil (@legendofneil)?  Felicia Day (@feliciaday), Sandeep (@sandeepparikh) and many other stars, writers and staff of The Guild and Legend of Neil are posting away to their hearts content.  Joel (@hijinksensue), one of my favourite comic artists in recent months, drew my Twitter avatar. What to know what’s going on in Edmonton?  You have to follow Mack D. Male (@mastermaq).

    Yeah, I’m a Twitter junkie.

    Twitter’s not just for following the cool kids – it’s also for gathering together and offering a helping hand to those in need.  One of my favourite Twitter events this past year was tweetsgiving organized by StaceyMonk (@StaceyMonk) [my take: here, here and here].

    If you’re in Edmonton (or anywhere else in the world) and spend time connecting with people near and far on Twitter, consider attending Twestival 2009. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like throwing myself to the wolves and meeting people face-to-face. Something about the whole I’m a freak introversion thing makes me really nervous in social situations. So I’m dragging my friend Loxley, who I also dragged kicking and screaming into the world of Twitter, with me into the fray.

    Support the cause.  Buy your ticket and join the fun. Make an appearance and get to know some of the most interesting locals in the area.

    More than 100 cities around the world are hosting Twestivals on February 12th to raise money and awareness for charity: water. When I heard about the idea, I knew that Edmonton had to participate. After all, we’re known for our support of community and charitable causes, and the Twitter community here is second-to-none! It’s going to be an evening of great fun for a great cause!

    Here are the details:

    WHO: You and your friends!

    WHAT: Edmonton Twestival 2009

    WHEN: Thursday, February 12th at 6:30pm

    WHERE: Vintage Lounge, 10124 124th Street – map

    WHY: To have some fun while supporting a great cause!

    COST: We’re asking for a $20 donation which will go entirely to charity: water.

    Take a few hours out of your busy day – and $20 out of your wallet – and support this great cause.

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    January 5th, 2009 she Posted in Popularity Contests No Comments »

    The Best Canadian Blog category is open on the Bloggies [2008 weblog awards].  I’ve already voted but it was a hard choice. I read three of the nominees frequently – Dust My Broom [home of MOT & Friday night blues and beer], The Torch [home of the Canadian Heroes blogroll], and Redneck Mommy [home of a hilarious and heartwarming woman].

    I can’t tell you who to vote for but if it wasn’t one of these three, may terrify’n space monkeys attack you and all your loved ones.  For safety reasons I’m not divulging where my vote went.  I highly recommend you click the pretty link and go vote!

    Now, outside of the Cdn blogger category I have no problems telling you who to vote for –

    • Best Celebrity blogger is hands down Wil Wheaton.  His blog is at times hilarious, heartwarming, and always a good source of geekery.  Read. Follow.  Now.
    • Best Comic Strip = xkcd but only because the magnificent home of the Fancy Bastards, HijiNKS Ensue wasn’t on the final list of nominees.
    • Since The Torch didn’t make it as a finalist in this category, the Best Military blog award should go to Blackfive. Michael Yon deserves an honourable mention for his coverage of his time in Afghanistan. I’m uncertain if he really fits in this category because his writing covers so much more than just military matters.

    There are a tonne of other categories to explore and vote in. I have no opinion on most of them because either 1) the blogs I read in those categories weren’t on the list to vote for (i.e. Education), 2) I don’t read blogs in those categories, or 3) I couldn’t make up my mind (i.e. Technology).

    Polls close Tuesday January 13, 2009 at 10:00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is 5:00 p.m. (EST) and 2:00 p.m. (PST).

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