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  • Peace on Earth – Advent Calendar

    November 29th, 2009 she Posted in Friends & Family, Random Burbling No Comments »

    I received this in an email this morning and thought I’d share. It compliments my Christmas wish list well. Whether or not you’re Christian, I think the sentiment behind the activity is a good one and makes it worthy of participation no matter what religion your may choose to follow. Or not follow as the case may be.

    Message added by our friend A: This was a write up in the Edmonton Sun on Sunday Nov. 29/09. I am going to do this and I hope you and your family will too. At the end of advent feel free to add more if you wish.

    Activity: Advent calendars mark the beginning of the Christmas season — a time of gift giving and celebration.

    This Advent Sharing Calendar takes it one step further. It helps us to be mindful of those in need every day of the year, and reminds us how truly fortunate Canadians are. To create your own Advent Sharing Calendar, take a small box or coffee can, put a slot in the lid, and then wrap it in Christmas paper.

    Each day of Advent, monetary gifts are added to the box. At the end of the holiday season, send a cheque to your favorite charity.

    In keeping with the holiday spirit, the theme is “Peace on Earth.” There can be no peace when 86% of the world’s resources are consumed by 20% of the population.

    There can be no peace when 30,000 children die every day from extreme poverty. There can be no peace when in many countries, simply being a woman can be a death sentence.

    Gifts should be added as follows:


    1: For every finger and toe your children have — intact and unblemished by landmines — add 5 cents. Landmines have killed or injured more than 70,000 Afghans in the past two decades.

    2: For every female in your family who is free to go to school, pursue a career, or walk openly in the street, add 50 cents.

    3: Add 10 cents for every time you’ve voted in a democratically held election.

    4: Add $1 if your drinking water is safe. An estimated 5 million people die every year from illnesses caused by drinking poor quality water. 1.1 billion people lack access to safe water.

    5: Add 25 cents for every shower or bath taken by members of your family today. Two-and-a-half billion people lack access to water for sanitation.

    6: Add $1 for everyone you know with HIV/AIDS. 270,000 children die of AIDS every year.

    7: Add 50 cents if you can name your family doctor. Add $1 if you’ve paid a visit to his or her office this year.

    8: Add 5 cents for every year of your life untouched by civil war or conflict.

    9: If you live above sea level, add $1. The World Health Organization estimates that 150,000 people die every year from drowning in low-lying coastal areas.

    10: If you have flood insurance, put a loonie in the box and count yourself lucky.

    11: Add 25 cents for every toy gun in your house (don’t forget video games).

    12: Add 25 cents for every time you’ve called 911.

    13: If you’ve had a permanent address for more than six months, add 50c. If you own your own home, add $1.

    14: If you have open access to information through newspapers, the Internet, radio or TV, add $1.

    15: Add 50c if you’ve ever written a letter to the editor. Add $ 1 if it was published.

    16: Add 1 cent for every book that you own. If you have more than 100 books, add $2.

    17: Add 50 cents for anyone in your family or circle of friends that serves as a member of the armed forces, police, fire or ambulance services. Now call them up and say thank you.

    18: Add 50 cents for every one of your children who attends a publicly funded school. An estimated one billion adults are illiterate. Two-thirds of them are women.

    19: Add $1 if you’ve ever sought legal council.’

    20: Add $1 if you’ve ever been called for jury duty. Add $2 if you’ve been privileged enough to serve.

    21: On this, the darkest day of the year, add 2 cents for every light bulb in your house. Don’t forget your Christmas lights!

    22: If you’re free to visit with friends and family over the holidays, add $1.

    23: Add $1 if you’ve sung Christmas carols this season. Add $2 if you sang them in public.

    24: When the stockings have been hung by the chimney with care, add 25 cents for every gift under the tree.

    25: If your family celebrates Christmas Day with a sumptuous feast, add $5.

    26: If you didn’t recycle Christmas wrappings and boxes, add $1.

    27: Add $1 if you had fast food today. One billion people suffer from obesity in the developed world. In the developing world, one billion people are starving.

    28: If you have a drug plan, add $1.

    29: If you have a pension plan, add $2.

    30: If you have ever collected employment insurance or disability benefits, add $2.

    31: Add $5 if you attend or host a New Year’s Eve party.


    1: Add 10 cents for everyone you called to say “Happy New Year!”

    2: Add a loonie for every member of your family who received a flu shot this year.

    3: Add 50 cents for every member of your family who has lived past 70 years of age. In Zambia, life expectancy dropped from 44 to 33 years between 1990 and 2000.

    4: Consider how fortunate you are. And then consider that 50% of the world’s children live in poverty.

    5: Sit down with your family and decide where you would like to send the contents of your Advent Sharing box. Suggestions include UNICEF and Oxfam.

    6: (The Epiphany) — Add up the contents of your box and then send a cheque to the charity of your choice.

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    Christmas Wish List – Challenge

    November 28th, 2009 she Posted in Friends & Family, Random Burbling 3 Comments »

    It’s that time of year when I post a Christmas wish list and hope to find some goodies from my list under my tree.

    This year I want to try something new. I want everyone to take whatever money they’d spend on a Christmas gift for Drew or me and donate the amount to their local food bank, soup kitchen, or favourite local charity. Once you’ve done that send us a card letting us know which charity you’ve donated to. We don’t need to know the amount.

    After Chrismas I’ll post a list of all the charities our friends and family donated to over the Christmas season. I hope it’ll be a lengthy one.

    As lovely as gifts under the tree are, many of us still have a job and a roof over our heads. Not everyone has been as fortunate. I’m asking our friends and family to adopt the true spirit of the season and understand why we’ve chosen not to buy or send presents this year.

    Over the next few days I’ll be picking the local charities Drew and I will be donating to and start working on my Christmas cards. We’ll be eagerly awaiting your cards.

    UPDATE: I’m challenging the world – friends, family & strangers – to do the same this holiday season. Put a little less under your own tree in order to help provide for someone else.

    UPPERDATE: Unsure who to donate to? Think local or pick a cause that supports something near and dear to your heart. Love to read? Choose Kids Need to Read or your local library. Love animals? Pick a local animal shelter or rescue league. Know what it’s like to go hungry? Donate to a soup kitchen or foodbank.

    Still not sure? Feel free to follow in our footsteps. Last year Drew was in Afghanistan over Christmas and I chose to support a number of charities rather than buying gifts for most of the people on our Christmas list. Then, I chose Kids Need to Read, Central Asia Institute, Edmonton Foodbank, Edm Humane Society, WIN House, Canadian Cancer Society, Salvation Army and World Vision Alternate Gifts. This year I suspect the list of beneficiaries may be a wee bit smaller so that we can donate a larger amount to the charities we select. Just remember, there’s no right or wrong way to participate in the Christmas Wish List Challenge.

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    and in the going down of the sun

    November 11th, 2009 she Posted in Friends & Family, Those Who Volunteered No Comments »

    For those who have served and fallen – both during their service or after retirement – take a moment to remember their sacrifice.


    Great Grandpa


    Black Watch
    Grandma and Grandpa Grandpa in the Pacific Grandpa

    CFB Borden

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    time flies when you’re having no fun

    June 8th, 2009 she Posted in Friends & Family, Random Burbling 1 Comment »

    Remember those lazy, hazy, crazy long days of childhood summer where you ran around the neighbourhood for months on end, eventually complaining of being bored? I miss those days.

    I’m not sure when the shift from child to adult happened but all of a sudden I’m watching years whiz by and each New Year’s Day seems to come around quicker than the last. I blinked and a decade past! How could that happen?

    These past few weeks have seen my injured mum land for a visit, Drew tearing down the decks in the backyard and chopping tree branches in front of the house, and my nose buried in books as I attempt to finish off my papers in the final weeks of the semester. Two weeks has just flown by and I don’t recall much happening. Like my 20s, I blinked and it was over.

    This afternoon I find myself longing for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer again. I wonder if and when we’ll slow down enough to experience the passage of time in the same way. I have a horrible feeling it won’t happen until 2016 or later.  I’m not sure my desire to return to childhood wonder will last that long.

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    #yegSafetyMtg & #twilightYEG (part the first)

    May 15th, 2009 she Posted in Art, Vittles & Beer, Friends & Family 1 Comment »

    We’re off to the first half of the #twilightYEG fundraiser this evening. The actual ticketed event is taking place next Wednesday evening but today we’re having a special pre-event at LUX Steakhouse during our normal #yegSafetyMtg. Tips made by guest bartenders for a few hours this evening are being donated to the fundraiser.

    Yeah. I know. If you don’t tweet the above sentences make little sense. Course, you don’t need to tweet to help raise funds for a great cause. #twilightYEG’s goal is to raise $3000 for the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. Proceeds from the events go to local women’s shelter(s).

    This has been a pretty productive week for #yeg charities. @SirThinks responded to the the @yegfoodbank‘s pressing need for lunch items and donated 200 drinking boxes to the cause. He then challenged everyone in the #yeg community to match his donation for other items that could be included in children’s lunches. This morning Drew dropped off 200 peanut-free granola bars to the food bank and we’re keeping the challenge going. Here’s hoping someone else picks up the gauntlet soon.

    I’m off to meet Drew, @SirThinks and the gang for #twilightYEG (part the first). Hope to see you there – or at #twilightYEG (part the second) on Wednesday.

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