Cold and more cold

Scribbled down on December 13th, 2008 by she
Posted in Frothing At The Bit

We Canucks are good at whining about the weather. Gives us something to babble about no matter where in the country we originally hail from.

And you know it’s cold when your dogs refuse to stay outside for more than a few minutes at a time.

I’m not fond of the winters out west. Sure, we now live hundreds of kilometres north of where we grew up and yes, it’s still warmer than winterpeg – which oddly enough is colder despite being south of Edm. – but I just wasn’t built to handle dry cold. I grew up on the coast where it’s a lot warmer as far as the thermometer is concerned. We had piles of snow that might reach five feet tall and we had a wet (some drescribe it as bone chilling) cold. I don’t remember any childhood weather reports of -40 (with the wind chill factored in, -21 without) temperatures. I especially don’t remember my hair drying out to match stick consistency, then splitting and breaking much when I lived out east.

It’s very hard to grow long hair in this climate. A few short weeks ago I had a few inches cut off to get rid of all the split ends and this afternoon I lost another two to the battle. I fear I am losing and will soon be back to chin length locks. At least I didn’t sign up to have my head shaved for charity this winter. Shaving your head at the end of November is a crazy. Trust me in this one. You don’t need to ty it for yourselves. There’s not a hat out there warm enough!

I understand Karma’s desire to make Drew suffer the slings and arrows – or snow, ice, hail, and sub-zero temperatures – before he heads to warmer climes for a few months. I just don’t see why the rest of us have to suffer along with him…

I miss my winters in India and the Phillipines. Last year was my first winter home in years and I discovered that I’m a crappy Canadian. I don’t revel in the cold. I don’t want to put on a dozen layers of clothing and socks just to drive to work. I want to hibernate until the first buds of spring appear. No seasonal affective disorder here. I just prefer spending the winter in my jammies and in a nice heated room.

Which reminds me – must buy new flannel jammies.

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3 Responses to “Cold and more cold”

  1. I’m with ya on this one. Winter is not my favorite season. And the dogs are doing the ‘how many feet can be in the air at once’ dance already.

  2. MMMmmm flannel jammies. Husbands hate them…or at least mine does…but women love them!! I also love the cold so I’m one of those freaks who walk around loving the weather we’re having. And Mushu’s booties were brought out because he was doing the three-legged hop every time he ventured out. Poor pup. Doesn’t take long for the paws to freeze.

  3. Speaking of the Philippines, some stuff from Eula just arrived via a neighbor. Will get it to you soon.

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