audience participation done right

Scribbled down on January 22nd, 2009 by she
Posted in Art, Vittles & Beer, It's a Living

Boo, Loxley and I went out to see STOMP! last night.  Loxley and Boo went last year and had a great time.  Apparently they also had front row seats and ringing in the ears for a few days… Our seats weren’t that good – but they were still pretty fabulous. I’d never seen STOMP! live before so I really enjoyed the visual and auditory feast. The audience participation in clapping exercises proves an interesting case study in social pressure to conform and operant conditioning. Oh, and it was fun too.  Although my hands hurt A LOT after the near 2 hour show. I can’t imagine how the cast members spend multiple hours a day (multiple shows a week), banging, slapping and clapping away with their hands. The callouses must be deep.

This year, Loxley bought my ticket as a Christmas present. We shared the cost for Boo’s despite her recent track record of being sick nearly every time we’ve tried to get together over the last 5 months. We were brimming with optimism and all that.  Besides, who’s going to turn down a Christmas present ticket to see the cute bald guy in the black wife beater clapping and jumping around stage while banging on things?  Yummy!

Poor Loxley and Boo had to listen to me babble  “you know, that’s what Drew looked like when he was in the Army.  Before the re-muster to the Air Force. Same build.” a bazillion times at the end of the show.  It would have been a bazillion and one but Loxley had lost her cell phone and I was busy calling Boston Pizza (where Boo treated us to dinner earlier in the evening) trying to track it down. Very cool how you can surf the Internet in order to look up a phone number, click the link the iPhone generates, and be talking to someone at that number in a manner of seconds.

A good time was had by all and we ended the evening with our usual promises to make our gatherings a monthly event. Pending Boo’s health, my school work, and Loxley’s access to a running vehicle of course.

‘Twas a very long day at work today.  More accurately, it’s been a long week at work. I’ve got to stop working OT for free.  Each year I tell myself this and yet I still find myself sitting at a desk in the office trying to get one more thing accomplished before I go home. You’d think going to school part-time would have cured me of this.  I know I certainly thought it would.  I really need to learn how to walk away at the end of a work day since I’ve started putting other students learning ahead of my own.

So once again I am three hours late getting home, no desire to do my readings for class, no interest in making anything to eat, and will be back at work first thing tomorrow morning trying to get someone else’s class fixed up and online.

Perhaps, instead of taking Psych classes, I should be seeing a shrink!  I have lots of work related and guilt issues that need to be worked through.

Today in my spam filter there was a comment advising me that I needed a new wordpress theme and to go to their dull generic site and buy/download one of theirs.  Now, why would I do that when I have a series of 6 different custom made themes for my blog to choose from.  Perhaps the commenter has a point.  I have been bright and shiny blue for a few weeks now – mostly because it’s my winter theme – and it has been a while since you’ve seen my locked in the basement theme.  You know.  The one that’s been frequently appearing on my blog as I desperately try to catch up on my homework for classes.  So, out with the blue and in with the black.  Thanks for the inspiration annoying spam/commenter guy!

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6 Responses to “audience participation done right”

  1. I like the blue. Always been partial to it.

    Did Loxley find her phone?


    I just started it to keep track of crafts, but until I work the cookie issue out on this computer (or get one for home) it’s also my blog in exile. I feel like Wil Wheaton!

  3. Ironically, the IT guy came in today and gave me Firefox… so now I can blog once more! I’m so happy!!! Now I can blog twice as much, I guess. It’s nice to have a place to showcase my craft projects, if nothing else. 🙂

  4. mcpyper – Loxley’s phone must have fallen out of her pocket when we were sitting/eating since the waitress at BP’s recovered it. Not sure what hoops she had to jump through to get it back but apparently they weren’t flaming. With all the product in her hair, she’d have set it on fire.

    mare – w00t! I’ve been trying to resist the urge to whine about your lack of blogging lately. Speaking of Wil Wheaton, I’ve had a @wilw inspired post idea for a while now, just need to get off my butt and write it.

  5. I would have thought that the kids would have wanted to go see Stomp since they are all in a percussion class. I should mention it next time they come.

  6. Sirdar – it’s fun for the whole family. You’d probably have a ball. They’ve been performing here in January for the past two years (that I’m aware of, it could be far longer) so it makes a perfect Christmas present. For those interested in percussion it’s a real treat.

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