Tired all around

Scribbled down on January 25th, 2009 by she
Posted in Friends & Family, Those Who Volunteered

Talked to Drew tonight and he sounds super tired. His shift has changed at work so he’s now working longer hours, 7 days a week. Lots of yawning and quiet inside voices tonight.

He says he’s doing well and doesn’t need anything other than letters for the moment. His bunk and office are stocked with snacks and he’s shared out quite a bit with his co-workers. He’s got a good selection of books to read and those too will join the Canada House “library” for others to enjoy at some point.

Apparently I didn’t do something correctly in the home video recording/transfer process as the CD I sent didn’t seem to have anything on it. Or so Drew claims. I know I tested it to make sure the videos woud play so we suspect that I mailed a blank CD instead of the one I burned. I’ll have to check the CDs in the office to see if that’s the case. I know they all play in Windows Media Player and he has that installed so that doesn’t appear to be the problem. If I can’t find the original CD I made here I’ll create a new one and send it off soon.

Still no firm idea when he’s coming home. Definitely before the trip to San Diego. More than that isn’t know at this time.

I was supposed to spend the weekend doing school work. I haven’t accomplished as much in that arena as I should have. I did get my weekly assignment (due Mondays) in on Saturday afternoon and got some bits of cleaning done around the house. However, there’s a tonne of reading I need to have completed by the end of the week that I was hoping to finish early that was never touched. I guess I know what I’ll be doing each evening after work next week.

Instead of studying, I spent the afternoon at Costco and Safeway grocery shopping with my neighbour J. When we got home with our goodies L helped cart it al inside. Comes in handy does our L. Especially when I need to get 50 lb boxes of cat litter from the truck into the basement. I know it seems a bit ridiculous to buy such huge amounts of cat litter when I’m out at Costco but, getting it into the house aside, it is far more convenient. The humongous box lasts just over a month what with two cats in the house. The smaller bags/boxes at grocery stores and Zellers don’t last half as long and cost significantly more.

I’ll need his help soon with dog and cat food. As with the cat litter, The monster bags of food are pretty heavy. Getting them into the truck isn’t too hard since they have stock people at the vet supply place who are always willing to help. The challenge, as always, is getting it out of the truck and into the basement when I arrive home. I think I’ve got about a month left in the current stock Drew picked up before he left for KAF. I knew I should have asked him to pick up more than two bags of each.

Nothing much else to report on the home front. Drew mentioned the change back to my black and grey blog theme so I know he’s still popping by to read and check in with “local” news. I thought it might be nice if I opened up the comments for messages intended for Drew to read. He’ll see them the next time he has access to the Internet an drops by the blog. So, get commenting :). If we’re lucky, perhaps we’ll see a few replied from him as well.

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6 Responses to “Tired all around”

  1. So which,

    “I thought it might be nice if I opened up the comments for messages intended for Drew to read”

    Was I supposed to read and comment on?
    I have been reading whenever I have the chance

    love you

  2. Aww, sweet.

    re: cat litter, we get flushable pine kind, so we don’t get it from Costco. Plus the nearest Coscto is in Moncton. I just feel your pain with two cats… they are stinky pooping monsters.

  3. Wow, you’re impatient – and nearly 12 hours ahead of everyone else. I was kinda hoping others would leave comments/messages for you BEFORE you read the blog. Don’t you normally skip a few days reading before catching up?

    Apparently you aren’t as loved as I thought you were *grins, ducks and runs*

  4. We love you too Drew! What does canned haggis taste like anyway? Was yours one of those sets of pipes on the flight line? Were people playing them or dropping helicopters on them to make them stop?

    Hey Miss Daisy, let us know when you need to go on the cat/dog food run. We can help and even may be convinced to carry it into the house.

  5. Oh, you were talking about these comments, I thought you were talking about comments you were putting in your posts.

    Yes, my pipes were one of the ones out there, but I was just dronning (is that spelt right) I didn’t know the tunes, but it was fun.

    Canned Haggis tastes like, haggis with a tinny flavour.

  6. I get distracted easily and digress into other subjects. You may have noticed that.

    Good to hear that your pipes have made it out of the dark box. Maybe somebody can help you get that chanter going. If we can, we’ll save some haggis and get Miss Daisy to freeze it for you. I think it lasts forever in the freezer.

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