Here’s to the

Scribbled down on February 1st, 2009 by she
Posted in Art, Vittles & Beer

Hole that never heals. Oh. Wait. Wrong toast. Here’s to the boys of St. James Gate.

If I were to hazard a guess I’d say a fabulous time was had by all. I had the camcorder with me and recorded a big chunk of the show. The boys didnt seem to mind since they new where the recording would be heading.

Besides, I’m not known for having a steady hand those sections of the show where the tape isn’t wobbling like crazy? They’re likely taped by Loxley or Dr. D. The wobbly bits are all me baby. I forgot that tapping my foot along to the pipers would make the arm holding the camera shake. I blame it on the blond roots. Artificial intelligence gained from dying my hair appears to be receeding.

The boys dedicated “The last Saskatchewan pirate” to Drew. I may have missed recording the dedication. I won’t know until I convert the comcorder’s DVD recording to a format viewable on computer. I did manage to get the whole song – along with dancing (highland and otherwise) and many other songs – to send to Drew.

Klingon T won a flag of Ireland and in true cheap Scots fashion we decided to make due and not rush out to buy a Canadian one. Friends signed messages to Drew on the Irish flag. Seems fittting since I’m one quarter Irish. I keep forgetting my gran on my mum’s side was from the island.  Guess we can’t all be perfect and be 100% Scots…

At one point in the evening I may or may not have tried to talk Dr. D into a fight club type deal. First rule. We don’t talk about the ceilidh. I lost. So we agreed to blog about having a good time. I didn’t dance to St. James Gate. There’s no video or photographic proof. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Move along.

Just be thankful I lost or you wouldn’t be reading this post.

On the bright side I haven’t completely lost out. I do have a video clip I’ve been threatening to post to YouTube. How much is your disaffected teenage cool worth to you little A?

I still lay claim to my hollow gut award from Havencon ’97. Far more sober than the 1st annual Celt-X Robbie Burns party at the end of tonight. Good thing since I need to write and finish the work I’m doing on a course (work related) tomorrow.

Loxley. mcpyper, Dr. D. The gang was mostly here. And it was worth it.

If you missed it this year you really should make an effort to go next year. Perhaps Drew will even manage to make an appearance. Granted, I don’t know what we’d do if he did make the Robbie Burns ceilidh. He’s always been out of town in the past.

Thanks to Loxley for picking me up and getting me to the party and to Klingon T for making sure I got home safely. I checked my pockets. I still had cab fare. Must have had something to do with losing all the silent auction draws I was bidding on. Thanks to Dr. D for sharing his Trap and Gill prize. Now all I need is a date for lobster, clam chowder and Alpine beer.

Which reminds me. Must look up date and cost for tickets to the Irish Decendants. Sorry Drew. They’re in town on “Tuesday”. Me thinks I’m going to see them with Dr. D and B.

I’d feel bad but you’re supposedly seeing Ron James while you’re away. Yeah. James. Not Jeremy. As fun as that show might have been, Drew admits to having confused the names of the stars.

Ok. Bed time. Or at least time to let the dogs out…

I’m sending this from my iPhone at 2am so I can’t add links to the St. James Gate website at the moment. Will add it tomorrow for those too lazy to use Google.

UPPERDATE: Links added.  I rock.  Well, more acurately, St. James Gate rocks. And no Irish Decendants tickets for me. They’ll be in town on Boo’s birthday party and I’m already committed to spending the evening with her and the rest of the gang.  Dr. D and B will need to let me know how the show was…

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2 Responses to “Here’s to the”

  1. Drew, there may not be photographic evidence, but She AND Loxley were on the dance floor by the end of the night. And it took a 6-woman contingent to get my stoney-face child out there too. There is photographic evidence of that coming your way. Now said child is convinced that he will be expected to dance at all further ceilidh type events. We missed you there, but hopefully there is a good representation of the evening on those disks coming your way.

  2. If you have a Mac, and you have the new iLife, iMovie has video stabilization: iMovie Image Stablization

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