Interview anticipation

Scribbled down on February 3rd, 2009 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I go back to the doctor’s tomorrow to be poked and prodded, questioned (grilled?), weighed and measured. Hopefully I won’t be found lacking. A large chunk of the day is going to be spent completing round two of my interview to become a patient. After all is said and done I’ll be trying to finish off at least one of my two papers tomorrow before I return to work on Thursday.

At some point I’m going to have to bite the bullet and buy a student copy of SPSS. I’m not having much luck finding it for less than $100 but it certainly would come in handy in my Stats class. Perhaps my student advisor will have good news when she replies to my email about student licensing. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

Off to toddle on my treadmill and work off lunch. Or sleep. Sleep would be good. Yeah. Sleep. There’s a great plan. Zzzzzzz.

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4 Responses to “Interview anticipation”

  1. This still amazes me that you have to be interviewed by a Dr. What next? Well, good luck. Hopefully it works out.

  2. Why not use excel in stats?

  3. That’s what I’m using for the moment. I feel all dirty. Servant to the evil empire and all that.

  4. That is weird to be interviewed to be a patient. Could you imagine if mechanics did that? Weird. Hope I never have to go through that.

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