Sunday Upperdate

Scribbled down on February 16th, 2009 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

Bit worried I may never manage to catch up in my Stats class these days – good thing I have many moons left to go before the end of the course.  Got grades back for my first two assignments in Mil Psych and they’ve made up for the disappointment last week with my Experimental Psych grades. Two nice shiny A’s to take away the sting from the B.

Managed to apply for another job today. The usual “right up my alley” comments come to mind when I reviewed the posting. Here’s hoping I hear something soon.

I’ve had a few people express amazement that I’m relatively sane about the situation. They know me well. Normally I’m a huge worry wart and Drew is constantly having to talk me down off the ledge before I fall off the deep end. Drew’s far more happy-go-lucky and optimistic than I’ve ever been. I worry about damn near everything. However, this time I’ve decided to finally listen to Drew. Well, once I’d  had a giant bawling session in my basement and sniffled my way to freaking out the dogs and cats. I’m sure Drew’s right. We’ll be ok. Worrying won’t get me anywhere. We won’t lose the house. We won’t have much wiggle room.  Entertainment and all other non-essential expenses will be completely out of the question. But we’ll have a roof over our heads and the bills paid.  If worse comes to worse and I can’t find a job before this one ends, I can fall back on EI for a year and finish my degree (here’s hoping the budget holds out). I can work part time serving coffee to cranky soldiers – in Edmonton, not KAF – or sell shoes or something like that.  I just need to keep reminding myself that we’ll be ok.  There are many others in far worse situations.

While I still can pamper myself I’ve decided to be completely lazy and order pizza for dinner tonight. It’s my standby when I get tired of soup and sandwiches.  Left overs can keep me going for days.  Now the only challenge is deciding which type of pizza I want to order and for how many days do I want to be eating leftovers (determines pizza size).

Since it’s getting close to the RRSP deadline for this year and Drew needs to get some $$ into his so we can repay part of his share of the $$ we both robbed from our retirements funds as part of the first time home buyers program, I made an executive decision and transferred some $$ into his RRSP at the bank.  Hopefully I transferred enough to cover it.  If not, I can throw some more in on the last day if need be.  Almost forgot that this would need to be done since I pay into my RRSP year round. Although, considering the state of the markets, I probably would have been better off putting my RRSP contributions into my sock drawer this year.

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3 Responses to “Sunday Upperdate”

  1. Today is Monday, Sunshine.

    Other than not knowing what day of the week it is, it looks like you two are under control. But this IS the time to buy into investments. When the market is down, buy like crazy. It has nowhere to go but up.

    Mind you there is probably room in your sock drawer… as all your socks are running around looking for their mates.

  2. Oops! See what long weekends spent alone with textbooks will do to a person? Not going to change the title though. More fun this way.

  3. Well…I hope something comes from what you sent me. We sure could use someone with your skills…but management knows so much better than people who are skilled at doing what you do (note sarcasm here). Hope you hear something from them.

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