back in the saddle

Scribbled down on October 26th, 2006 by she
Posted in It's a Living, Random Burbling

Today was my first day back in the office. I’ve been working from my home office since leaving Saint John at the beginning of the month. It’s odd being surrounded by so many people again. It wasn’t as bad as I expected though. Unless of course you factor in the ewwww quotient that comes with having to clean out someone else’s desk drawers.

See, Boo* and I were moving cubes and since I was going to be away, Boo put in the paperwork and recommended I pack up my stuff so that it’d be easier to move when the approvals were complete. I packed up my stuff (how does one accumulate 4 boxes of “stuff” in only 8 years?) and set it aside for the move before heading to my parents house. I cleaned out all of my drawers and tried to make it suitable for the next occupant.

Today I spent the first part of the morning cleaning out the drawers in the desk I’ve inherited through my move. With all the crud in the drawers, I thought maybe the previous occupant had quit or been fired while I was away. Along with the stale foodstuffs, condiment collection, scraps of paper and crumbs I found employee personel records and financial reports. Skip the fact that I’m under the impression that these items shouldn’t have made it out of HR, they should have been shredded the minute the previous occupant left the company. They definitely should not have been sitting in unlocked drawers in the middle of the production floor. Imagine my surprise when I learned that she hadn’t left the company. I bumped into her later in the morning and learned that she’d just moved cubicles.


Some people just have no respect for themselves, others, or other’s property.

* Boo earned her nickname due to her line of work. Just like the little girl from Monster’s Inc., she’s the sweet little girl surrounded by “monsters”.

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