
Scribbled down on March 10th, 2009 by she
Posted in Friends & Family, Frothing At The Bit

Drew included a few shirts in the package he sent me. You might remember the story. Package is delivered. Inside is coated in sticky goop because he sent pop cans home in the box. Frozen, exploded pop = me doing laundry AGAIN and trying to save a soggy letter so I can read it.

I was a little confused at the time since both of the shirts were a size smaller than I wear. Nothing in the letter about the shirts NOT being for me so I figured Drew was just trying to encourage me to wear more form fitting clothing instead of my usual “tents”.

Apparently I was wrong.

When Drew called me last night he informed me that the shirts are intended for him. Not me.


I think I’m going to fill his next care package with things for me and make him hold onto them and bring them home to give back to me. Seems fitting under the circumstances.

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6 Responses to “Sneaky”

  1. Sounds like a challenge to me. I say steal them.

    Glen is larger than me, so I’m always stealing his. Although, now that I’m shrinking, they’re getting too big for me, which is making him panic. LOL!

  2. I’m down a pant size (but not a shirt size) but would need to lose a LOT more before I get anywhere near Drew sized. He’s a toothpick!

    And he doesn’t have boobs to worry about… I could wear smaller sizes if I could just find a way to shrink them.

  3. Schmuck. Did you know that if you get a t-shirt really wet and wear it that way for a while it tends to not shrink back to the original size. That alone might determine the ownership of the t-shirts in question.

    Did you ever find your black suit?

  4. Suit is still MIA. Drew promises to help me search for it when he returns.

  5. I will be picking up your shirts on Sunday, and looking for other stuffs for you and L. I like my Poo Pond Cafe shirt, I’ve spent many a night enjoying a 0% beer on the patio.

  6. You can have the Poo Pond Cafe shirt. I don’t even want to try and explain that one. Besides, it’s crap brown…

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