Thursday Thirteen – Supporting Our Troops

Scribbled down on November 2nd, 2006 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests, Those Who Volunteered

On Friday, November 3rd, there will be a rally in support of our troops in Churchill Square from 11:30am to 1:30pm. I’ll be in attendance. The topic of this week’s T13 will be 13 reasons I’m attending the Support Our Troops rally on Friday.

Thirteen reasons I’m attending the Support Our Troops Rally.

  1. I’m a military spouse. My husband served in the Army before remustering to the Air Force in the mid 90’s. My father and grandfather served in the Navy. My great-grandfather served in the Army. Supporting our troops comes natural to me.
  2. Based on my conversations with serving and past members of the Canadian Forces, the men and women of our Canadian Forces believe in the mission and in what they’re doing in Afghanistan.
  3. For the first time in years, many Afghan women are learning to read and write. Through education, the Afghani people may learn there are alternate ways to resolve conflict and build freedom.
  4. I’m a woman who, through a fortunate accident of birth, has access to education, medical care, employment, and the freedom to wear whatever I choose, say whatever I want, vote, and do what falls within my values and morals. I believe all women, regardless of which country she was born in, is equally entitled to these items.
  5. Peacekeeping is only possible if there is an agreement between all factions to set aside their differences and work towards a peaceful resolution. Afghanistan isn’t at that point yet. We need to support their current actions in the hopes that all sides will be able to work towards a place where peacekeeping will be a viable alternative.
  6. President Hamid Karzai, the first democratically elected president of the country, visited the Canadian parliament and re-iterated his governments desire for our troops to remain in the country.
  7. It doesn’t often make the news in Canada, but our troops are working on humanitarian projects as well as fighting. They are working towards improving roads and infrastructure, helping support schools, etc. These are all things we can be proud of.
  8. The mission has UN approval and NATO support.
  9. The rally is co-organized by the group Married to the Canadian Forces of which I am a member.
  10. The previous government (Liberals) sent our troops to Afghanistan and the current government (Conservatives) expanded their commitment to the mission until 2009. If we’re going to allow our government to send our troops into harms way, then we need to show support for the men and women willing to put boots on the ground (I know, boots on the ground is a US Army saying, not Canadian) to complete the mission our government has assigned them.
  11. I believe every woman has the right to live her life without fear of being stoned to death.
  12. I believe that everyone should have the right to choose which religion they want to follow – or not follow as the case may be. Freedom of religion (or from religion) should be an inalienable right. Dhimmi’s are, by our western definition, denied equal status in society. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Shari’ah law and believe all individuals should be treated equally under the eyes of the law.
  13. I get to split my shift at work, travel on the LRT, dress up in my pretty red clothes, and possibly meet the DMB crew.

Thanks to other Thursday Thirteen participants who viewed my list and left a comment: Caylynn, Silver, Bev, Melissa, N. Mallory, Momma Bee and Lynn.

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9 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen – Supporting Our Troops”

  1. Great list. 🙂 I’m a Canadian military spouse too, and I fully support our troops. I’m terrified of hubby having to go to Afghanistan when we are posted back to Canada in 2009, but he wants to go, and I am proud of him and all the men and women of the Canadian Forces. He’s done missions in Kuwait (first Gulf War), Haiti (UN peacekeeping), Bosnia (NATO peacekeeping), Eritrea (UN peacekeeping), as well as domestic operations, like the Manitoba floods.

    And yes, Canadian troops, wherever they go, participate in humanitarian efforts. Hubby’s helped rebuild schools, roads, ports, and other infrastructure. And the troops do believe in the mission – they are doing what they are trained to do, and are rightly proud of the work they do.

    Thanks for a wonderful list. If you don’t mind, I’m going to post a link to it on my blog. You’ve expressed exactly why we should support our troops.

    Have a great day. 🙂

  2. Great list and happy TT:)

  3. I’m a US military spouse and I love your list. Too often we forget that the men and women who are in the Middle East (and any foreign country) are there not just because their government officials sent them there, but because they felt a need to give back and help to defend the country that sent them. It’s too easy to overlook the good that is being done by the troops. They are our best possible emissaries to do good will. They stood up while others sit back and complain. The least we can do is recognize this and show them our appreciation for what they are doing.

    I’ll always remember a letter that a Captain who was in my DH’s unit in Iraq. One of his jobs was to help set up schools for the Iraqi children in the area around Mosul. He wrote that he would never forget the looks of gratitude in the eyes of the children and the joy on their faces when he handed them books to read and use in the school. A book can open up a whole new world for a child who before had none.

    Thanks for writing this.

    Have a Happy!

  4. Great Thursday Thirteen! Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. 🙂

  5. Happy TT!

  6. Good for you! Thanks for sharing, and for your encouraging words on my list yesterday! 🙂

  7. Great list – My husband is over in Afghanistan. Our family has been through many deployments, but nothing prepares you for that van that pulls up into your driveway and a military uniform gets out. We were lucky, my husband was only wounded. I support our troops but I also support the mission (as I believe any female that has gone to school should). I was very happy to have fournd this site.

  8. Thanks for visiting. I think my DS will always love Legos, although he might not always admit it;-) Right now he is celebrating with 5 of his 12-13 year old friends for the entire evening! They are having fun. Your TT is a great idea and I appreciate your sharing your thoughts on this topic. Have a great weekend.

  9. The media always ignores the reconstruction/relief aspect of what is going on in Afganistan(and Iraq). The only way I’ve found to find this stuff is milblogs, or Centcom/allies news releases.

    Its shameful.

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