the more things change…

Scribbled down on July 9th, 2010 by she
Posted in Those Who Volunteered

It’s been a while now since I came home from the sempertastic family vacation to find my beloved fur-baby had passed on. Less time since my non-profit organization hosted their first major fundraiser for equality based organizations – we raised $3773 this year. Very happy with the results.

I haven’t fallen off the fitness wagon. In fact, I’ve reached my December 2010 clothing size goals  5 months early. Since I’m still technically classifed as overweight, I’m going to continue what I’ve been doing for the last 6 months and hope to reach my new goal by Christmas.

Still not able to run. Doc has banned me from running (again *sigh*) and I’m back to walking and torturous exercises to strengthen the muscles around my patella.

Tomorrow, I put my hubby on a plane bound (eventually) for Kandahar. It’s been just over a year since he returned from his last tour to KAF and the time has just flown by. Most likely because he’s been gone for at least 60% of the time; off on training courses and prepping for this tour.

With that in mind, I thought today would be a good time to post a gentle reminder to all those who call themselves friends and family. The following excerpt is from a post I made in Dec 2008:

There are nightmares that military families live with daily. To address them we set ground rules. The most important one when a spouse (or child, sibling, etc.) is deployed is that you never drop in unannounced for a visit. No matter where you are “in the neighbourhood” don’t ever ring my doorbell without calling first to let me know you’re visiting.

Spouses, children, parents, and siblings all dread the possibility that a padre will walk up the walk-way and ring the doorbell. Normally filling a position of comfort or joy, when a member of your family is deployed the padre is the last person you want to see near your home.

Our shared goal is to make it through the months never having heard a doorbell ring. Don’t ring mine.


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One Response to “the more things change…”

  1. We don’t get a chance to ring the doorbell. The taller furballs are very good at announcing our entrance. Do you have a doorbell at the back door? Probably, but I don’t recall ever needing to use it.

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