Flooring; part the first

Scribbled down on October 2nd, 2010 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

L had to work today so J and I went out to pick out flooring. I bought vinyl tile for the hallway and closet but didn’t pick up anything for the office (yet).

L promises he’ll be around to oversee the install before the end of the week.

I found an interesting patterned linoleum for my office but I’m not sold on it’s durability (how it’ll handle the weight of multiple bookcases, & my constantly moving chair). Think I’ll do some consulting with hubs before I purchase anything for that room.

The downside is that I have to pre-order the flooring 3 weeks in advance if I do want Drew to install it when he’s home. We can’t just wait until he gets home and pick a flooring type then.

I did rip up a small piece of the office carpet and it’s not as clean underneath as the hall & closet were. I think we’ll need to pour some of the flooring level setting goop before we can lay whatever flooring option we do select.


J thinks L will be able to help Drew with the flooring install for one day. We’ll have to have the room cleared out before L can come in and help Drew. I expect that’s a good 2-3 days work all on it’s own!

Good thing Drew has already agreed to tackle this project on his tour break or I’d be pulling out my hair and in a mass panic.

Stay tuned for the hallway & closet installation victory dance.

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