Sunday bitch and moan

Scribbled down on December 10th, 2006 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I spent too many hours yesterday searching the house for my address book. After the unsuccessful cleaning session I decided to write up the cards for the addresses I had on file in my laptop and send emails to everyone begging and pleading for all the missing addresses.

We have a family tradition wherein I handwrite all the cards and envelopes and the hubby licks & sticks the envelopes. I had a couple put aside because I’d forgotten the names of a few nieces and nephews. The hubby had gotten into a groove in the lickin’ & stickin’ department and closed off those envelopes before I could pull them out of the pile. Needless to say, I now have to ensure I send out a quick email explaining the situation so that no one is offended when they receive their cards.

After the writing and packing was done, we had to make the trip to the post office to buy stamps. Man, they’re getting more expensive every year. If the stamps increase in price any more, I’ll need to find family volunteers to send a single package with all the cards and gifts. Then I’ll need to beg and plead to have them dole them out to the rest of the family as they see them. As it is, it’s $1.49 per envelope to the UK, $0.89 for mail to the US, and $0.51 for letters to Canada. Mom wasn’t kidding when she said sending cards and packages to family was going to add up to more than $100 this year alone.

Finally, to top off my weekend, it’s Sunday and I’m a few minutes away from hopping on a conference call. Working two Sunday’s in a row and I’m still behind in my workload. We used to joke at work that I needed to be cloned but now I’m starting to suspect that that might not be such a bad idea after all.

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