suitcase in hand

Scribbled down on January 30th, 2007 by she
Posted in Where No Flan Has Gone Before

It’s been a crazy few days. We left work after midnight on Tuesday and by the time I’d finished up my blog entry it was after 2am. Since the hotel move, we now have a commute of over an hour to reach work and so I was up early to hop in a cab in order to make the center by noon.

We worked until 2am – taking two hours out to make a short trip to the mall and grab a suitcase and cell phone simm card – and by the time we’d flagged down a cab and landed back at our hotel, it was after 3am. Sleep beckoned but didn’t win as I had more work to do (aside: see a theme here?) and I finally crawled into bed at 6am. Four hours later it was time to get up, shower and head back to work.

We’ll be there until after midnight tonight.

Our travel plans are starting to firm up and we’re heading to Mumbai on Thursday afternoon. Friday is a work day, but we’ll have the weekend to ourselves to recharge and tour a bit of the city. On Wednesday it’s off to Pune, then we head back to Mumbai for a night on Friday. Saturday sees us flying to Bangalore where we’re spending a week before making the trip across the ocean to Manila.

No wonder I can’t tell if I’m coming or going this week!

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3 Responses to “suitcase in hand”

  1. Try to get the sleep you need or you will get sick. Then you won’t be able to enjoy anything
    of the areas you travel to.

  2. Enjoy your trip, should be exciting.

  3. I hope things calm down a bit!

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