Thursday Thirteen – Things that can go wrong

Scribbled down on February 7th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests, Where No Flan Has Gone Before

After a two week break from T13 (this entry should help explain why) I’m finally found some time to breathe.

Welcome to the 15th edition of the screaming pages Thursday Thirteen.

When it rains, it pours…

Thirteen Things that can go wrong in India.

  1. My suitcase was ripped open somewhere along the journey from Canada to India. At least I manged to replace it before needing to get on a plane from Dehli to Mumbai.
  2. Less than stellar place to sleep – you don’t always know what you’re getting yourself into.
  3. Trip date changes – we were originally planning on spending 4 weeks in India and had made all arrangements around that plan. A shortened time line has left me scrambling to buy plane new tickets, make changes to existing tickets and try to find hotels in Mumbai at 7am for the same day. On the bright side, I do get to spend extra time with my friends and co-workers in Manila now.
  4. What can I say about the hotel arrangements? Most hotels were booked solid and couldn’t accommodate us for the entire duration. We’ve had to hotel hop just to have a place to stay. 4 days in one hotel, check out at 7am, check in to new hotel at 9am (travel time). 2 days in that hotel and we hop to another one…
  5. Crazy schedule – I know we need to meet a lot of people, but it’d be nice if the schedules weren’t back to back meetings for 10 hours. An occasional bathroom break or lunch time slot would be nice.
  6. Our cab was in a car accident.
  7. I kicked a toddler.
  8. My VPN connection doesn’t work so I can’t access work email from inside the office. I have to connect in from the hotel before and after heading to the office. Network guys haven’t figured out the problem yet *whaaaa*
  9. Assuming the hotel has an Internet connection.
  10. And that the hotel’s Internet connection is actually functioning at that time.
  11. My cell phone isn’t working properly. I can get incoming calls but can’t make outgoing calls. I’ve paid a small fortune so I can call my husband and can’t use the damn phone! The phones were originally barred after 5 days because the Simm card dealer didn’t file the paperwork. Ted’s phone was sorted out, but mine took an extra day.
  12. Then, they didn’t turn on nationwide roaming – so when we shifted to Pune my phone stopped working. Anyone traveling to India who needs a cell phone connection should avoid HUTCH like the plague! I’m now working on day 4 without a working cell phone and reliable connection to North America. I haven’t spoken to my husband since arriving in India weeks ago. I’m looking forward to Manila, where I know the cell service well and can easily hook up my phone to call home.
  13. Despite having multiple email confirmations that I booked 3 rooms in Pune, when we arrived at the hotel, they only had two reservations on file. Luckily, they had an available room so Subhasish has a place to sleep.

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17 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen – Things that can go wrong”

  1. At least it isn’t -40 before the windchill, like it is in Winnipeg this week.

    On Monday, it rained around lunch time in Edmonton (after everyone had cleaned the walks), then it froze again. We are still skating around. Now they are predicting 2 days of snow. Probably not a problem in India.

    True the phones and the internet work, but it still is winter.

    When do you get to Manila now?

    Eula sent me beach pictures. The little twerp. I think I will go shovel the deck now.

  2. Hey she — good to see you’re posting from India! Sounds like you’re enjoying your trip.

  3. Bleargh…sounds like, to put it mildly, a weasel-buggering hassle. Still, the pictures you’ve shared with us are amazing!! What happened to shorten your trip, though? I’ll need to dig back through and read about that – you’ve been looking forward to this for so long!

  4. Wow…a trip to India? But I hope you have a great time there.

    Please share your travel pics, would love to see them.

  5. Wow, definately murphy’s law.

    Great list!!

    Happy Thursday Thirteen!!

  6. For anyone who’s interested travel pics are posted throughout the blog – and can be easily found in articles under the travel category.

  7. No, no, no, no, no!!!!

    You are supposed to be having a breeze of a time, getting a lot of good work done, seeing the things on your list, and staying in great hotels.

    I hope things improve; I’d be ready to kill someone if this was me.

  8. Wow! Sounds like you’re having a wild time for sure. Those are the kind of things that definitely make life interesting and give us great stories when we’re old and traveling down memory lane. I got a chuckle out of the ‘Kicked a Toddler’ post.

    Thanks for visiting me!

  9. Ai yi yi! I’m sorry to hear of the irritations and hassles. Hope things settle down for you soon, and enjoy your trip!

    Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂

  10. weeeellllll… it sounds eventful, at least…

  11. Wow, you’ve had quite the trip so far. I hope the rest goes smoothly and you come back with some great memories. 🙂

    Happy TT!

  12. man, that’s alot of things to go wrong!

  13. Hope things got better..Nice list and great blog

  14. ML was alive and well for your trip. That is a lot of bad luck.
    I had to go read your post on the toddler kick…S$%t happens. I think it worse because you were away. It wouldn’t have seemed AS bad if you were home. We don’t always look down when we walk and really he should have been closer to his mum…I am sure he will stay closer now…lol You have to laugh about it now.
    Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
    My TT is posted.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Happy TT’ing!
    (“)_ (“)Å 

  15. Visiting your site for the first time. I love the look and feel. Have to say that travelling anywhere outside North America has its challenges. At least, that’s what my husband and I discovered while we were in Greece and Italy last May. Our (mis)adventures are posted in the travel section of my blog. While I can’t say I’ve kicked a toddler, even if by accident. We were the newly minted parents that were travelling with a teething 9 mos old baby . . . I’m hooked can’t wait to read more. Cheers, XINE

  16. Toddler abuse! Toddler Abuse! 🙂 Love your list… totally sucks about your luggage though. That stuff is always such a pain when it happens!

    Thank you for sharing and t hank you for visiting my blog!

  17. Hey!! I’m sad about hearing that that much things are going wrong!! Hope it would go better soon, She!!
    When i will get back home, post some picture, please!!

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