Friday’s Feast: 130

Scribbled down on February 9th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests


Feast Number One Hundred & Thirty

Appetizer: Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with?

  • So far I’ve been really lucky (knock wood) and haven’t been sick. I have been known to catch a bad cold while visiting Manila, but I’m hoping that my body will have had enough time to adjust to the climate change through my trip through India before I land in the Philippines later this month.

Soup: What colors dominate your closet?

  • Navy blue, tan and brown.

Salad: How would you describe your personal “comfort zone”?

  • I’m most comfortable when I’m apart from the crowd, but close enough to observe what’s going on and other’s interactions. If/when I want to participate, I will. For physical location, my “comfort zone” is any comfortable chair surrounded by books.

Main Course: On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant?

  • The Amazing Race.

Dessert: Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite?

  • Remembrance Day

h/t to Caylynn’s Contemplations for the FF graphic. I shamelessly swiped it from her site.

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7 Responses to “Friday’s Feast: 130”

  1. Great Friday Feast!
    My feast is served.
    Have a wonderful day!
    (“)_ (“)Å 

  2. Delicious salad!!!! Your choice of ingredients in this dish is stupendous. I feel like I’m part of that crowd. Wonderful

    My Birthday Feast is served

  3. I’m a crowd-watcher too. While I don’t mind being “in the crowd,” I love to sit on a bench at the mall and people watch. That’s when you get a true sense of how different, yet how alike, we all are.

    Great feast! Mine is up too!

  4. I think blue and tan used to dominate my closet… now it’s probably dominated by red… black… and then green! 🙂

  5. Appetizer: do UTI’s count as winter illness, well that’s all I get these days.
    Soup: black, blue, and brown
    Salad: ditto on your response
    Main Course: never seen a reality show, so I can’t answer this one
    Dessert: Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday, because I spend it with friends, not family.

  6. I totally agree with your salad! I am very much the same way, although you could interchange books with the internet easily as well.

  7. Great Feast!!!

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