I got a letter

Scribbled down on February 14th, 2007 by she
Posted in Friends & Family

A real, honest to goodness, in an envelop and not a card, snail mail letter!


I have no idea what it says because I’m in India and the letter is in Edmonton, but it’s still cool to know that people still write and send letters. I’m still debating whether or not to let the hubby open it and read it to me, or if I want to wait until I get home and savour the whole experience of opening it and reading it myself.

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2 Responses to “I got a letter”

  1. Wow…and I thought snail mail letters were extinct! You have a rare find 🙂

  2. Wasn’t from me; I tend to send books, not letters.

    Although I have a nice selection of pens and paper. I really ought to use them more.

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