Thursday Thirteen: Happy Birthday Drew

Scribbled down on July 19th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests

Welcome to the 32nd edition of the screaming pages Thursday Thirteen. Today is the hubby’s birthday so this week’s list is all about him…

Thirteen Things about the hubby.

  1. He’s the oldest of 3 boys – and in big brother fashion was the reason why his younger brothers had some bumps, bruises and broken bones as kids.
  2. Most of his wardrobe is navy blue. Pants…shirts…shoes. This is a big switch from a decade ago when all he owned was black clothes.
  3. He was raised in Southern Ontario, but we try not to hold that against him.
  4. Minus the grey hairs on his head, he looks exactly the same now as he did a decade ago.
  5. He prefers dogs to cats, but pretends to like Thanatos (oldest cat) to keep me happy.
  6. He’s an avionics technician (glorified electrician) in the Canadian military.
  7. He spent 3 years as an infanteer in the Canadian Army before remustering to the Air Force.
  8. He’s been known to exaggerate when telling a story.
  9. He’s got the day off today, so he’s helping our neighbour (the contractor) lay a floor and put up walls…
  10. He doesn’t snore, but he does eat (well, he makes chewing noises) in his sleep. I think the mouthguard the dentist gave him is the only reason he still has teeth.
  11. We joke that he’s cold blooded. He’s always cold and loves the heat. He can wander around dressed in a black t-shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and boots at 30C and complain of being cold…
  12. He once raised a turkey named Gobble that he insisted become Thanksgiving dinner.
  13. He’s exactly 1 month and 1 day older than I am.

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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8 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen: Happy Birthday Drew”

  1. So nice to meet the big man! GOBBLE!

  2. Nice of you to be sure to mention that he was older. Gotta get that in. I cant decide which is worse, snoring or chewing noises.

  3. Hapy Birthday to your dear hubby!!!

    My dh is an “avionics” person of sorts. He works in airline customer service.

  4. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

    My husband is one of those cold blooded types.

  5. Happy birthday Drew!

    And no more turkey raising, okay?

  6. Exagerates! I can’t believe it. We take every word out of his mouth as the gospel truth. Well, maybe with a grain of salt.

  7. He sounds nice. Including the turkey thing. Happy TT & a VERY Happy Birthday to Drew.

  8. Happy Birthday Drew!! You picked a good day to have a birthday.

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