Friday’s Feast: 178

Scribbled down on January 31st, 2008 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests


Feast Number One Hundred & Seventy Eight

I have been “out of the game” a while. My last feast was 143. Bad me!

Appetizer: What is your favourite kind of cereal?

  • Porridge – the way dad used to make it on a cold winter’s morning.

Soup: When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?

  • Good thing this wasn’t a scrapbooking related question 😉 The last “for the home” purchase was a combination racelette and fondue pot/baking stone appliance that is now residing in the kitchen.

Salad: What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?

  • I haven’t seen it since I was a child but I used to love the “Hack Attack” commercials. I think Benelyn put them out in the 80’s. Aside from that, I’m very fond of the “Herding Cats” commercial.

Main Course: Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).

  • Coriander Coyote

Dessert: Fill in the blank: I haven’t ______ since ______.

  • I haven’t visited relatives back home since I was 16.


  1. Which open-all-night establishment has been a lifesaver for you? When we lived in New Brunswick, it was Sobey’s. When we moved to Winnipeg, it was Perkins. Now that I’m old and in Edmonton I sleep at night.
  2. What open-all-night establishment is closest to where you live? Wal-mart
  3. What nonexistent open-all-night establishment could you really use in your life? Any bookstore.
  4. Which open-all-night establishment in your town is least likely ever to see your patronage in the wee hours of the morning? Wal-mart
  5. Have you ever purchased anything advertised on television late, late at night? Nope.

h/t to Caylynn’s Contemplations for the FF graphic. I shamelessly swiped it from her site.

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10 Responses to “Friday’s Feast: 178”

  1. I hope you get to visit your relatives some of this days! Great feast:)

  2. love your main course.

    nice feast. thanks for dropping by mine.

  3. That’s a long time to go without visiting relatives. I hope you get to visit them sooner rather than later!

  4. hee hee. Justwayched the commercial. Most amusing. Happy Friday.

  5. Great feast She! Happy feasting.

  6. Love the company name. Coriander is pretty original!

  7. Porridge can be great on a cold winter morning!

  8. I like your main course hhehhe happy weekend.

  9. coriander coyote sounds like an interesting shop!

  10. Coriander Coyote sounds interesting to me too. 😀
    I am not one who visits relatives as well.


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