best laid plans

Scribbled down on February 14th, 2008 by she
Posted in Friends & Family

We were supposed to go to Calgary this weekend to visit old friends but we’ve just learned the hubby has to work *sigh* Now I have no excuse not to work my tail off and finish my history and psych papers with time to spare (they’re due Monday).

On the bright side it’s the silly Hallmark holiday again today and we’ve decided NOT to participate in the grand purchasing program. Rather than spending the recommended *cough* $300+ on presents for each other because we’ve been together longer than 6 months, we’re going to cuddle on the couch after I do some more reading and prep work for my papers.

Love doesn’t need stinkin’ cards and chocolate flavoured calories. However, a nice dinner at home never hurts…

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4 Responses to “best laid plans”

  1. I’m in shock. My feed hasn’t shown a post from you in ‘months’. Yet here you are all alive and everything…..and posting!! Looks like I might be here awhile catching up. And you’re still on my blogroll. Ok ok I thought you were dead so I took you off. But I was thinking about you. That must count for something :o)

  2. $300!!! *gasp, choke* I don’t think I have ever spent that much for Valentines. There are some years we haven’t even spent that much for Christmas!

  3. I know, I read it on an online magazine article yesterday (the 300$ bit) and nearly fell over. In fact, I sent the following email to Drew after reading it:

    “Somebody is on glue. According to this article you should spend $300 and up on a person you’ve been dating if you’ve been together for 6 months or more.

    What a bunch of hooey!”

  4. Holy Cow
    300 I doin’t think Dan has ever spent tat much on me and it has been 35+ years. WE have never “done” valentines ; however Dan shows his love every day by havoing supper ready when I gae home form work after a stressfull day. He even has baked goods an occasion. What a darling man

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