spoke too soon

Scribbled down on March 13th, 2008 by she
Posted in Cargo Hold

Apparently I tempted the blog gods and spoke to soon when I declared all was well here at the screaming pages last night.  I woke up this morning to discover that one of my 3 subdomains was no longer functioning properly.  Of course, the broken one WOULD be the one that directs my 4 loyal readers to my blog *sigh* Perhaps the gawds are trying to tell me something this week?

In the meantime, you’ll want to update your links or RSS readers to http://valianthosting.ca/clients/daemon instead of http://blog.daemon-ink.net.

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One Response to “spoke too soon”

  1. So far, things seem to be working here. I found you, but I am 3 days late ;-).

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