like a kid at Christmas

Scribbled down on March 28th, 2008 by she
Posted in Flan-dom

It’s been a few weeks since Amy tossed the box in the mail but it’s finally arrived!  I can’t wait to crack open the box and share the wealth.  In honour of this festive occassion, I’m changing my header graphic.  And maybe later I’ll take pictures of the box occupants.  *yippee*

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4 Responses to “like a kid at Christmas”

  1. I demand photos!!! 😀 I am glad they got there safe

  2. I love getting gifts in the mail. I hate sending them, not because I am cheap, but because I am so unorganized and it feels like such and overwhelming chore, but I did manage to do it today.

  3. OOOoooo LOVE this new header!! Everytime I make my way over here, it seems there is something new to look at. Very cool. And gifties in the mail are the best!

  4. Oooo… the new header works so good with this theme! Yay! I waivered back and forth with the burgundy and the brown. I’m glad I went with this one!

    Gifties in the mail! FunFunFun!

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