amazing airlines

Scribbled down on August 1st, 2006 by she
Posted in Where No Flan Has Gone Before

There are a couple of airlines I really love to fly.

For domestic flights, there is nothing (in my not so humble opinion) better than Westjet in Canada. I’ve taken many flights from one end of the country to another and will fly longer and go to out of the way places just to fly with Westjet rather than the alternatives. In fact, I don’t think I’ve been on a domestic flight with any other airline in the past 7-8 years. From the customer service agents, ticketing agents, and flight stewards Westjet seems to staff their positions with the most helpful, generous and genuinely happy people.

For international flights, I love to fly Northwest. Sure, I know that other airlines are fancier, offer more food or cheaper alcohol, but I’ve really got a soft spot for Northwest. They always seem to take care of me. When I’ve had nasty colds, they’ve kept me in liquids and hard candies to sooth my throat. When I forgot to request a vegetarian (nut free) meal, they scrounged around and fed me fresh fruit. Even when I’ve done something stupid (like leaving my cell phone in the airport in Manila) they’ve gone out of their way to track it down, send it via purser from Manila to Tokyo to Minneapolis to Edmonton. Despite my bazillion calls to all of the different airport lost luggage offices, they didn’t lose their cool and did an amazing job finding and returning my cell phone. I was so impressed that I called a long distance customer care number (not an 800 number… I willingly paid for it) just to tell Northwest how much I appreciated the work that their employees had been doing on my behalf.

Airlines can be a pain point for many people but for me these two have gone above and beyond so often that it’s almost become expected.

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3 Responses to “amazing airlines”

  1. you are one amazing person that inspired me to be better. thanks to these pages.

  2. I agree WestJet is simply something my husband and I think of as ‘all Canadian’ somehow. Having just sent him off to Kandahar last week, and being an augmentee since we are out here in Cold Lake, he had no choice but to go with Air Canada ~ lowest bidder the day the clerk booked his flight. He begged otherwise for a lot of great reasons with unfortunate past experiences. Still, we hoped for the best. This is a tough send off and there’s no point worrying about stuff you can’t change etc. Well all I really can say is that the staff we dealt with to get him checked in with bags and all were so awful….and it’s just that one person, behind a counter can turn a really tough and painful day into a brighter moment ~ they can be a bridge to hope almost IMHO. The stress was so heavy on him, our fear was so tremendous, we were so meek almost; trapped there in our precarious moments before he left…for how long? Maybe forever. They knew it all, we were transparent and both persons chose condescention and arrogance. It’s a shame they get to carry our Country’s name for thier business title.

  3. I know exactly what you’re talking about regarding Air Canada Reba. I vowed never to fly them again many years ago when they lost my cat. It wasn’t the losing of the cat that bothered me, it was the attitude of the representatives after the fact that drove me to distraction.

    Since the hubby is also military, we’ve been forced to endure the Air Canada “lowest bidder” situation many times. The AC reps do nothing to try and make the best of a poor situation. I’ve had a number of experiences where we’ve flown Westjet (deaths in the family, etc.) where it was obvious we were in poor shape and their counter reps and other agents always went above and beyond (IMNSHO) to try and allieviate some of the stress in those situations. In similar situations – or even worse, sending them off to NATO and UN tours such as what you went through last week – Air Canada does nothing to lend any sympathy or support. It’s like their employees lack the ability to display empathy.

    I could rant about AC for weeks. Maybe I should take a step back and try not to fume too much today.

    All my best to you and your hubby. We’ll keep him in our thoughts and hope he’ll arrive home safely.

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